FLImP (Fluorophore Localisation Imaging with Photobleaching) is an automated single molecule imaging technique developed by the Octopus group. It is capable of resolving separations between fluorescently tagged molecules as small as 5 nm and with ~5nM precision.

Using a Nanoimager (ONI) we have automated data acquisition and custom analysis tools.
The FLImP technique is available to produce a spectra of separations within a sample, from which a population of most likely separations can be extracted. The technique has been used extensively to investigate the epidermal growth factor receptor that forms a population of oligomers in fixed eukaryotic cell samples (https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms13307), but we are keen to expand the range of biological problems this technology can be used for.
FLImP has the potential to characterize separations between fluorecently labeled proteins in viral, bacterial and exosome systems.
For more information please contact Dr. Sarah Needham