EPAC | Extreme Photonics Applications Centre
10 Jun 2022



EPAC is a new user facility at STFC, in the UK, due to come online in 2025.




EPAC is a new national ​facility to support UK science, technology, innovation and industry.

The building construction phase of EPAC was completed in May 2022 and the building has been handed over to the CLF, ready to begin work installing and commissioning the systems needed to operate the facility from it​s ​expect​ed opening in 2025. 

A partnership between UKRI, MoD, academia and industry; EPAC will bring together world-leading interdisciplinary expertise to develop and apply novel, laser based, non-conventional accelerators ​and particle sources which have unique properties. We expect this to produce scientific breakthroughs and stimulate new solutions to challenging problems to help advance UK scie​nce and technology, helping to keep us safer, improve our healthcare and support a cleaner, more productive economy.​​​

Project Timeline

EPAC is currently under development. Construction was completed in early 2022 and the building has been handed over to CLF teams to begin the complex installation of the new laser systems.

You can follow a detailed project timeline here.

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EPAC will have the capability to conduct both scientific research and industrial research, including x-ray radiography and CT; radiation hardness and exposure testing; and neutron activation analysis. Multi-modal capabilities will allow users to combine several of the techniques in one experiment.

Find out more about EPAC's applications.


EPAC builds on the CLF's DiPOLE technology, produce laser pulses with greater intensities with higher frequencies: up to 1 petawatt at 10 h​ertz.

Find out more about the science and technology of EPAC. ​

Contact: Sims, Mathew (STFC,RAL,SC)