Calls for access to the High Power Lasers
24 Mar 2023



The call for High Power Lasers has now closed




​High Power Lasers call for access - Gemini

We invite proposals for access to Gemini TA3 target areas for the period September 2025 – April 2026. The Vulcan laser facility is undergoing a major upgrade of its capabilities as part of the Vulcan 20-20 project and there will be no access offered to Vulcan.

All access in this round is funded by STFC, and must have at least one co-investigator who is a permanent member of staff at a UK academic institution.​

All proposals should be submitted electronically at the following website by Friday 17 January 2025 at 12:00 (noon) GMT.

However, we would like to advise you that the level of operation that the CLF will be able to undertake in late 2025 and early 2026 is unclear at present due to potential funding constraints. This may result in a reduced operating schedule in the second half of next year, and the potential cancellation of the next proposal call in mid/late 2025.

We are doing all we can to maximise operations in the 25/26 year. We will continue to update the community with information on the next 12 months of CLF operations as this becomes clearer.​

Please contact the User Office ( or the Panel Co-ordinator, David Carroll (​), if you have any difficulty during the submission process.

​​​Details of call​

For access to the Gemini facility of the CLF we require the completion of the CLF Technical Pack, which is used by the facility to provide us with sufficient detail to assess the implementation of the experiment if scheduled. This should be submitted via the proposal system alongside your science case.

Call for Access P2 25-26

CLF Technical Pack P2 25-26

Gemini Call for Access P2 25-26​​

QF37 Target Fabrication Facility details


High Power Lasers call for access - Orion

The call for access to the Orion laser facility at AWE Aldermaston during the period late 2026/2027​ is now open.

Click on the hyperlinks for details of the Orion laser system and the Orion academic call for access. ​

Contact: Carroll, David (STFC,RAL,CLF)