Paulina Majchrzak, Charlotte Sanders, Yu Zhang, Andrii Kuibarov, Oleksandr Suvorov, Emma Springate, Iryna Kovalchuk, Saicharan Aswartham, Grigory Shipunov, Bernd Büchner, Alexander Yaresko, Sergey Borisenko, and Philip Hofmann.
P. Hollebon, O. Ciricosta, M. P. Desjarlais, C. Cacho, C. Spindloe, E. Springate, I. C. E. Turcu, J. S. Wark, S. M. Vinko
M. M. Mang, D. T. Lloyd, P. N. Anderson, D. Treacher, A. S. Wyatt, S. M. Hooker, I. A. Walmsley, and K. O’Keeffe
Adam D. Smith, Emily M. Warne, Darren Bellshaw, Daniel A. Horke, Maria Tudorovskya, Emma Springate, Alfred J. H. Jones, Cephise Cacho, Richard T. Chapman, Adam Kirrander, and Russell S. Minns
Dynamics of correlation-frozen antinodal quasiparticles in superconducting cuprates
Federico Cilento, Giulia Manzoni, Andrea Sterzi, Simone Peli, Andrea Ronchi, Alberto Crepaldi, Fabio Boschini, Cephise Cacho, Richard Chapman, Emma Springate, Hiroshi Eisaki, Martin Greven, Mona Berciu, Alexander F. Kemper, Andrea Damascelli, Massimo Capone, Claudio Giannetti and Fulvio Parmigiani,
Enhanced ultrafast relaxation rate in the Weyl semimetal phase of MoTe2 measured by time-and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy
A. Crepaldi, G. Autès, G. Gatti, S. Roth, A. Sterzi, G. Manzoni, M. Zacchigna, C. Cacho, R. T. Chapman, E. Springate, E. A. Seddon, Ph. Bugnon, A. Magrez, H. Berger, I. Vobornik, M. Kalläne, A. Quer, K. Rossnagel, F. Parmigiani, O. V. Yazyev, M. Grioni.
Phys Rev B 96 241408 (2017) - Rapid Communication and Editor's Suggestion. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.96.241408. Open access:arXiV:1709.09854
Ab-Initio Surface Hopping and Multiphoton Ionisation Study of the Photodissociation Dynamics of CS2
Darren Bellshaw, Daniel A. Horke, Adam D. Smith, Hannah M. Watts, Edward Jager, Emma Springate, Oliver Alexander, Cephise Cacho, Richard T. Chapman, Adam Kirrander, and Russell S. Minns.
Chem Phys Lett 683
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Spin and Valley Control of Free Carriers in Single-Layer WS2
Søren Ulstrup, Antonija Grubišić Cabo, Deepnarayan Biswas, Jonathon M. Riley, Maciej Dendzik, Charlotte E. Sanders, Marco Bianchi, Cephise Cacho, Dan Matselyukh, Richard T. Chapman, Emma Springate, Phil D. C. King, Jill A. Miwa, and Philip Hofmann.
Phys Rev B 95 041405 (2017). DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.95.041405. Open access: arXiv:1608.06023
Enhanced electron-phonon coupling in graphene with periodically distorted lattice
E. Pomarico, M. Mitrano, H. Bromberger, M. A. Sentef, A. Al-Temimy, C. Coletti, A. Stöhr, S. Link, U. Starke C. Cacho, R. Chapman, E. Springate, A. Cavalleri, and I. Gierz.
Phys Rev B 95 024301 (2017). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.95.024304. Open access: arXiv:1607.02314
Generation and Evolution of Spin-, Valley-, andLayer-Polarized Excited Carriers in Inversion-Symmetric WSe2
R Bertoni, CW Nicholson, L Waldecker, H Hübener, C Monney, U De Giovannini, M Puppin, M Hoesch, E Springate, RT Chapman, C Cacho, M Wolf, A Rubio and R Ernstorfer,
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The Role of Hydrogen Bonds in Excited State Proton Transfer
DA Horke, HM Watts, AD Smith, E Jager, E Springate, O Alexander, C Cacho, RT Chapman, and RS Minns.
Phys Rev Lett 117 163002 (2016). DOI: doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.117.163002. Synopsis in Physics: Hydrogen bonding comes to the rescue
Resonant multiphotonionisation probe of the photodissociation dynamics of ammoniaAdam D. Smith, Hannah M.Watts, Edward Jager, Daniel A. Horke, Emma Springate, Oliver Alexander, Cephise Cacho, Richard T.Chapman, and Russell S. Minns.
Phys Chem Chem Phys 18 28150 (2016). DOI:10.1039/C6CP05279G.
Revealing the role of electrons and phonons in the ultrafast recovery of charge density wave correlations in 1T-TiSe2
C. Monney, M. Puppin, C.W. Nicholson, M. Hoesch, R.T. Chapman, E. Springate, H. Berger, A. Magrez, C. Cacho, R. Ernstorfer, M. Wolf.
Phys Rev B 94 165165 (0216). DOI:
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Ultrafast band structure control of a two-dimensional heterostructure
Søren Ulstrup, Antonija Grubišic Cabo, Jill A. Miwa, Jonathon M. Riley, Signe S. Grønborg, Jens C. Johannsen, Cephise Cacho, Oliver Alexander, Richard T. Chapman, Emma Springate, Marco Bianchi, Maciej Dendzik, Jeppe V. Lauritsen, Phil D. C.King, and Philip Hofmann.
ACS Nano 10 6315 (2016). DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.6b02622. Open access: arXiv 1606.03555
A R Bainbridge, J Harrington, A Kirrander, C Cacho, E Springate, W A Bryan and R S Minns.
New Journal of Physics 17 103013 (2015). Open access
Antonija Grubišic Cabo, Jill A. Miwa, Signe S. Grønborg, Jonathon M. Riley, Jens C. Johannsen, Cephise Cacho, Oliver Alexander, Richard T. Chapman, Emma Springate, Marco Grioni, Jeppe V. Lauritsen, Phil D. C. King, Philip Hofmann, and Søren Ulstrup,
NanoLetters 15 5883 (2015). Open access: arXiv 1508.07301
I Gierz, F Calegari, S Aeschlimann, M Chávez Cervantes, C Cacho, RT Chapman, E Springate, S Link, U Starke, CR Ast and A. Cavalleri.
Phys Rev Lett 115 086803 (2015).Open access: arXiv 1506.00120
Ramifications of Optical Pumping on the Interpretation of Time-Resolved Photoemission Experiments on Graphene
Søren Ulstrup, Jens Christian Johannsen, Federico Cilento, Alberto Crepaldi, Jill A. Miwa, Michele Zacchigna, Cephise Cacho, Richard T. Chapman, Emma Springate, Felix Fromm, Christian Raidel, Thomas Seyller, Phil D. C. King, Fulvio Parmigiani, Marco Grioni, and Philip Hofmann.
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 200 340 (2015). Open access: arXiv 1502.01933
Isabella Gierz, Matteo Mitrano, Hubertus Bromberger, Cephise Cacho, Richard Chapman, Emma Springate, Stefan Link, Ulrich Starke, Burkhard Sachs, Martin Eckstein, Tim O. Wehling, Mikhail I. Katsnelson, Alexander Lichtenstein, and Andrea Cavaller.
Phys Rev Lett 114 125503 (2015). Open access: Full text pdf
I Gierz, M Mitrano, JC Petersen, C Cacho, ICE Turcu, E Springate, A Stöhr, A Kohler, U Starke, and A Cavalleri.
J Phys Condens Matter 27 164204 (2015).
S Ulstrup, JC Johannsen, A Crepaldi, F Cilento, M Zacchigna, C Cacho, RT Chapman, E Springate, F Fromm, C Raidel, T Seyller, F Parmigiani, M Grioni, and P Hofmann.
J Phys Condens Matter 27 164206 (2015). LabTalk Feature: Filming hot carrier dynamics in graphene
C Cacho, A Crepaldi, M Battiato, J Braun, F Cilento, M Zacchigna, MC Richter, O Heckmann, E Springate, Y Liu, SS Dhesi, H Berger, Ph Bugnon, K Held, M Grioni, H Ebert, K Hricovini, J. Minar and F Parmigiani.
Phys Rev Lett 114 97401(2015). Open access: arXiv 1409.5018
JC Johannsen, S Ulstrup, A Crepaldi, F Cilento, M Zacchigna, JA Miwa, C Cacho, RT Chapman, E Springate, F Fromm, C Raidel, T Seyller, PDC King, F Parmigiani, M Grioni, and P Hofmann.
Nano Letters 15 326 (2015).
KA Badiola, C Bird, WS. Brocklesby, J Casson, RT Chapman, SJ Coles, JR Cronshaw, A Fisher, JG Frey, D Gloria, MC Grossel, DB Hibbert ,LK Mapp, B Matthews, A Milsted, RS Minns, KT Mueller, K Murphy, T Parkinson, R Quinnell, JS Robinson, MN Robertson, M Robins, E Springate, G Tizzard, MH Todd, AE Williamson, C Willoughby, E Yang and PM Ylioj.
Chemical Science Advance Article (2015). Open access.
C. A. Arrell, J. Ojeda, M. Sabbar, W. A. Okell, T. Witting, T. Siegel, Z. Diveki, S. Hutchinson, L. Gallmann, U. Keller, F. van Mourik, R. T. Chapman, C. Cacho, N. Rodrigues, I. C.E. Turcu, J. W.G. Tisch, E. Springate, J. P. Marangos and M. Chergui.
Rev Sci Instrum 85 103117 (2014).
Formation of coherent rotational wavepackets in small molecule-helium clusters using impulsive alignment
Gediminas Galinis, Luis G. Mendoza Luna,Mark J. Watkins, Andrew M. Ellis, Russell S. Minns, Mirjana Mladenovic, Marius Lewerenz, Richard T. Chapman, I. C. Edmond Turcu, Cephise Cacho, Emma Springate, Lev Kazak, Sebastian Göde, Robert Irsig, Slawomir Skruszewicz, Josef Tiggesbäumker, Karl-Heinz Meiwes-Broer, Arnaud Rouzée, Jonathan G. Underwood, Marco Siano and Klaus von Haeften.
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Probing the structure and dynamics of molecular clusters using rotational wavepackets
G Galinis, C Cacho, RT Chapman, AM Ellis, M Lewerenz, LG Mendoza Luna, RS Minns, M Mladenovic, A Rouzée, E Springate, ICE Turcu, MJ Watkins, K von Haeften.
Phys Rev Lett 113 0043004 (2014). Open access: arXiv:1402.5401.
Ultrafast dynamics of massive dirac fermions in bilayer graphene
S Ulstrup, JC Johannsen, F Cilento, JA Miwa, A Crepaldi, M Zacchigna, C Cacho, R Chapman, E Springate, S Mammadov, F Fromm, C Raidel, T Seyller, F Parmigiani, M Grioni, PDC King and P Hofmann.
Phys Rev Lett 112 257401 (2014). Open access: arXiv:1403.0122. Physics Viewpoint:Tracking Electron Movements in Bilayer Graphene, Physics 7 68 (2014)
Snapshots of non-equilibrium Dirac carrier distributions in Graphene
I Gierz, JC Petersen, M Mitrano, C Cacho, E Turcu, E Springate, A Stohr, Al Kohler, U Starke, and A Cavalleri.
Nature Materials 12 1119 (2013). Open access: arXiv:1304.1389.
Direct view of hot carrier dynamics in graphene
JC Johannsen, S Ulstrup, F Cilento, A Crepaldi, M Zacchigna, C Cacho, ICE Turcu, E Springate, F Fromm, C Raidel, T Seyller, F Parmigiani, M Grioni, and P Hofmann.
Phys Rev Lett 111 027403 (2013). Open access: arXiv:1304.2615.
Evidence of reduced electron-phonon scattering at the surface of Bi2Se3 by non-equilibrium ARPES
A Crepaldi, F Cilento, B Ressel, C Cacho, J C Johannsen, M Zacchigna, H Berger, Ph Bugnon, C Grazioli, I C E Turcu, E Springate, K Kern, M Grioni, and F Parmigiani.
Phys Rev B 88 121404(R) (2013).Open access: arXiv:1310.4279.
Possible observation of parametrically amplified coherent phasons in K0.3MoO3 using time-resolved extreme-ultraviolet angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
HY Liu, I Gierz, JC Petersen, S Kaiser, A Simoncig, AL Cavalieri, C Cacho, ICE Turcu, E Springate, F Frassetto, L Poletto, SS Dhesi, Z-A Xu,T Cuk, R Merlin and A Cavalleri.
Phys Rev B 88, 054104 (2013). Open access: arXiv:1206.5743.
Fragmentation of Neutral Amino Acids and Small Peptides by Intense, Femtosecond Laser Pulses
MJ Duffy, O Kelly, CR Calvert, RB King, L Belshaw, T J Kelly, J T Costello, D J Timson, WA Bryan, T Kierspel, ICE Turcu, CM Cacho, E Springate, ID Williams, and JB Greenwood.
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Isolated high-harmonic XUV photon absorption and NIR strong-field tunnel ionization
WA Bryan, F Frassetto, CA Froud, ICE Turcu, RB King, CR Calvert, GRAJ Nemeth, L Poletto, P Villoresi and E Springate.
New J Phys 14 013507 (2012). Open access.
LIAD-fs scheme for studies of ultrafast laser interactions with gas phase biomolecules
CR Calvert, L Belshaw, MJ Duffy, O Kelly, RB King, AG Smyth, TJ Kelly, JT Costello, DJ Timson, WA Bryan, T Kierspel, P Rice, ICE Turcu, E Springate, ID Williams and JB Greenwood.
Phys Chem Chem Phys 14 6289 (2012).
Double slit interferometry to measure the EUV refractive indices of solids using high harmonics
LA Wilson, AK Rossall, E Wagenaars, CM Cacho, E Springate, ICE Turcu and GJ Tallents.
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Single-grating monochromator for extreme-ultraviolet ultrashort pulses
F Frassetto, C Cacho, CA Froud, ICE Turcu, P Villoresi, WA Bryan, E Springate, L Poletto.
Optics Express 19 19169 (2011). Open access.
Clocking the melting transition of charge and lattice order in 1T-TaS2 with ultrafast extreme-ultraviolet angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
JC Petersen, S Kaiser, N Dean, A Simoncig, HY Liu, AL Cavalieri, C Cacho, ICE Turcu, E Springate, F Frassetto, L Poletto, SS Dhesi, H Berger and A Cavalleri.
Phys Rev Lett, 107 177402 (2011). Open access:arXiv:1010.5027.Press release and summary
High harmonic generation as a seed source for free electron lasers
E Springate and JWG Tisch.
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Redistribution of vibrational population in a molecular ion with nonresonant strong field laser pulses
WA Bryan, CR Calvert, RB King, GRAJ Nemeth, JD Alexander, JB Greenwood, CA Froud, ICE Turcu, E Springate, ID Williams and WR Newell.
Phys Rev A 83 021406R (2011)
A Comb-Sampling Method for Enhanced Mass Analysis in Linear Electrostatic Ion Traps
JB Greenwood, O Kelly, CR Calvert, MJ Duffy, RB King, L Belshaw, L Graham, JD Alexander, ID Williams, WA Bryan, ICE Turcu, CM Cacho and E Springate.
Rev Sci Instrum 82 043103 (2011)
Enhancement of high harmonics generated by field steering of electrons in a two-colour orthogonally polarized laser field
Leonardo Brugnera, Felix Frank, David J. Hoffman, Ricardo Torres, Thomas Siegel, Jonathan G. Underwood, Emma Springate, Chris Froud, Edmond I.C. Turcu, John W.G. Tisch, Jonathan P. Marangos.
Optics Letters 35 3994 (2010)
Revealing molecular structure and dynamics through high harmonic generation driven by mid-IR fields
R Torres, T Siegel, L Brugnera, I Procino, Jonathan G Underwood, C Altucci, R Velotta, E Springate, C Froud, ICE Turcu, S Patchkovskii, M Yu Ivanov, O Smirnova, and JP Marangos.
Phys Rev A 81 051802(R) (2010)
Ultrafast science and development at the Artemis facility
Turcu, E Springate, CA Froud, CM Cacho, JL Collier, WA Bryan, GRAJ Nemeth, JP Marangos, JWG Tisch, R Torres, T Siegel, L Brugnera, JG Underwood, I Procino, WR Newell, C Altucci, R Velotta, RB King, JD Alexander, CR Calvert, O Kelly, JB Greenwood, ID Williams, A Cavalleri, JC Petersen, N Dean, SS Dhesi, L Poletto, P Villoresi, F Frassetto, S Bonora, MD Roper
SPIE Proc. 7469 Micro- to Nano-Photonics II- ROMOPTO, 746902 (2010)
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High harmonic emission from a superposition of multiple unrelated frequency fields
T Siegel, R Torres, DJ Hoffmann, L Brugnera, I Procino, A Zaïr, JG Underwood, E Springate, ICE Turcu, LE Chipperfield, and JP Marangos.
Optics Express 18 6853 (2010
Extension of high harmonic spectroscopy in molecules by a 1300 nm laser field
R Torres, T Siegel, L Brugnera, I Procino, Jonathan G Underwood, C Altucci, R Velotta, E Springate, C Froud, I C E Turcu, M Yu Ivanov, O Smirnova, and J P Marangos.
Optics Express, 18 3174
Short pulse laser-induced dissociation of vibrationally cold, trapped molecular ions
J D Alexander, CR Calvert, RB King, O Kelly, WA Bryan, GRAJ Nemeth, WR Newell, CA Froud, ICE Turcu, E Springate, PA Orr, J Pedregosa-Gutierrez, CW Walter, RA Williams, ID Williams and JB Greenwood.
J Phys B 42 154027
Photodissociation of D3+ in an intense, femtosecond laser field
J D Alexander, CR Calvert, RB King, O Kelly, L Graham, WA Bryan, GRAJ Nemeth, WR Newell, CA Froud, ICE Turcu, E Springate, ID Williams and JB Greenwood.
J Phys B 42 141004
The XUV monochromator for ultrashort pulses at ARTEMIS
F Frassetto, S Bonora, P Villoresi, L Poletto, E Springate, CA Froud, ICE Turcu, DS Wolff, JL Collier, SS Dhesi
in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2009, OSA Technical Digest Series (Optical Society of America), JThE44
Instantaneous mapping of coherently coupled electronic transitions and energy transfers in a photosynthetic complex using angle-resolved coherent optical wave-mixing
IP Mercer, YC El-Taha, N Kajumba, JP Marangos, JWG Tisch, M Gabrielsen, RJ Cogdell, E Springate and E Turcu.
Phys Rev Lett 102 57402 (2009)
Design and characterization of the XUV monochromator for ultrashort pulses at the ARTEMIS facility
F Frassetto, S Bonora, P Villoresi, L Poletto, E Springate, CA Froud, ICE Turcu, AJ Langley, DS Wolff, JL Collier, SS Dhesi, A Cavalleri.
SPIE Proc. Vol. 7077, Advances in X-Ray/EUV Optics and Components III, 707713 (2008)