Control measures for high-risk lasers
07 Oct 2021







High-risk lasers must only be operated by authorised persons and in approved areas. Beamline staff will ensure that the following conditions are met:

  • Lasers and optics that define the beam path are securely mounted
  • Main and hazardous secondary beams are enclosed
  • Beam paths are as short as possible, with a minimum number of directional changes
  • Open beam paths are clear of surfaces that could produce hazardous reflections
  • Open beam paths do not cross walkways.

If you notice that any of the above conditions are not met, leave the room immediately, along with your colleagues, and contact beamline staff to have the problem fixed.

Users may not undertake changes to the beam path under any circumstances.

When you are in a room with high-risk lasers, you must remove or cover watches, rings and other items of jewellery that could specularly reflect a laser beam. You must also keep all optical benches free from clutter. Note that many types of surface that appear visually dull are specularly reflecting for infrared radiation.

Laser safety eyewear must be worn in accordance with instructions from beamline staff.

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Contact: Clarke, Rob (STFC,RAL,CLF)