Classes of laser - Low-risk lasers
07 Oct 2021







Lasers are classified by their manufacturers, according to a universal rating system. The following pages provide a brief summary of the classifications for low-risk lasers & the suggested control measures.

Low-risk lasers

Class 1

Class 1 laser products are safe in normal use under most conditions.

Class 1M

Class 1M laser products are safe in normal use under most conditions. They can, however, be dangerous if lenses, mirrors, or other such optical devices are used to focus the laser beam or assist viewing.

Class 2

Class 2 laser products emit low levels of visible radiation (i.e. in the wavelength range 0.4 to 0.7 μm). They are safe for normal use, because of the natural aversion response of the eye to bright light which generally limits the duration of any exposure to 0.25 s. Nevertheless, Class 2 lasers present a dazzle hazard.

Class 2M

Class 2M laser products emit visible radiation (i.e. in the wavelength range 0.4 to 0.7 μm). They are safe for normal use, because of the natural aversion response of the eye to bright light, but they can be dangerous if lenses, mirrors, or other such optical devices are used to focus the laser beam or assist viewing. Class 2M lasers also present a dazzle hazard.

Class 3R

Class 3R laser products are unsafe for direct viewing of the laser beam, whether in aided or unaided viewing. The risk of injury is, however, still low. 

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Contact: Clarke, Rob (STFC,RAL,CLF)