Control measures for low-risk lasers
07 Oct 2021







Low-risk lasers can be used anywhere on site, as long as the following conditions are met:

  • Horizontal beams are not located at eye level
  • There are no upwardly-directed open beam paths
  • The beam terminates at the end of its useful range.

If these conditions cannot be met, then special authorisation will need to be given. Discuss this with your link scientists if it applies to your experiment.

The use of optical viewing aids and optical components (magnifiers, eye loupes, concave mirrors, binoculars and telescopes) is dangerous and must be strictly controlled, even around Class 1M and 2M lasers.

Some low-risk lasers present an extreme dazzle hazard and must not be used in areas where people could be working at heights or driving vehicles. More generally, visible laser beams must not be deliberately pointed at people or into any areas where people unconnected with the laser work may be present.

Under no circumstances should anyone stare into a beam.

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Contact: Clarke, Rob (STFC,RAL,CLF)