Laser safety appointed roles
07 Oct 2021







Within your user group, “laser nominated persons" (LNPs) might be authorised to undertake specific, well-defined tasks. This authorisation must be made in writing.

If you are designated by your link scientists as an LNP – for example, as a “target area operator" (TAO) – you are responsible for the safety and control of hazards on your experiment. Therefore you must:

  • Be familiar with and abide by the operating procedures in your work area. These procedures will be provided to you by the beamline staff in the form of “standing orders​" that you must read and follow.
  • Work within the official constraints placed upon your activities, as communicated in the standing orders and by the link scientists.
  • Undertake training, which will be given to you by beamline staff.
  • Not make any significant changes to laser beam paths, beam wavelengths, or safety devices. Furthermore, you may not introduce new lasers to the laboratory without specific CLF authorisation and previous discussion with the beamline staff.
  • Declare any pre-existing eye conditions you might have.

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Contact: Clarke, Rob (STFC,RAL,CLF)