Information Policy
20 Jan 2023







The organisation of the CLF Artemis, Octopus and ULTRA User Meeting 2024 requires the collection and use of delegate's personal information. In this policy we describe how this information will be collected, used, and retained. The policy is driven by the GDPR regulations and aims to ensure compliance with the GDPR regulations.

Section A – Collection and Usage

1. At the registration stage we will ask for :

a. Delegates Name and Title

b. Their home institution and department

c. Email address and phone number

d. Whether or not the delegate is currently at PhD student

e. If they are a PhD student, what the title of their thesis is, and when it is expected to be completed.

f. Special dietary requirements

g. Ask for any additional comments or requests

2. Delegates name and institution will be displayed on name badges and the

meeting's programme.

3. Those delegates who present posters will have their names and email

addresses displayed on the meeting's poster lists.

4. Those who require accommodation will have their names (but no other

information) passed on to the venue in order to book accommodation.

5. Those who have special dietary requirements will have their name and the

dietary requirement passed to any caterers that provide any meals that the

meeting has arranged for them.

6. For the purposes of creating an invitation mailing list we will ask for:

a. Name and Title

b. Home Institution and department

c. Email Address

7. These will be used to issue emails to invite individuals to register for future



Section B – Consent

1. Consent to this policy will be asked at the point of on-line registration via a

mandatory check-box on the registration form.

2. If the person filling in the application form does not agree to this policy then

they cannot be registered for the meeting.

3. Consent to be on the invitation mailing list will be asked for by email.


Section C – Retention

1. A copy of the information collected for a meeting will be retained for a period

of 3 years on the main work computer of the PPG group leader. After this, the

information will be deleted.

2. A list of titles, names, and institutions of those who registered for the meeting

in each year will be retained in a long-term archive for historical/archival


3. The invitation mailing list will be retained for a 2 year period, after which

emails will be issued asking for consent to remain on the invitation mailing list.

Any individuals that do not consent will have their entries deleted.

4. Copies of the invitation mailing list will be kept by the PPG group leader and

the PA to the Division Heads of the CLF.​

Contact: Barnes, Kerry (STFC,RAL,CLF)