The CLF Engineering group is dedicated to providing superior engineering support to the CLF user community throughout their experimental time here.
Preparation and support
The process starts with the experimental design team who layout the experiment and design any bespoke engineering components necessary to facilitate the experiment. The CLF mechanical workshop, CLF electrical workshop and target area technicians manufacture, assemble and install all aspects of the experiment in advance of the experiment weeks. During the experiment, the whole team are on hand to deal with experimental changes and unexpected developments.
The engineering team are responsible for ensuring the safe operation of systems required for all laser areas, target areas and R&D labs. The CLF Interlock systems ensure the safety of CLF staff and visiting scientists by controlling access to areas and the operation of lasers and shutters. The engineering team install and maintain all the services required including the vacuum systems, gas delivery, cooling water, gas detection, power supplies, drive system, control system and communication. The engineering team operates across all of the CLF’s facilities and ensures that common standards, for example in safety systems, are applied everywhere. There is additional specific Vulcan laser area technician support to maintain the complex components such as the amplifiers.
The engineering team support and develop the mechanical and electrical systems for laser areas, target areas and R&D labs to improve the capability and efficiency of the whole facility. These development projects range from developing new diagnostics to setting up new development labs. The mechanical and electrical engineering teams collaborate and endeavour to produce the best engineering solution to the scientific research challenges presented.