The new laser system is a 100-kHz OPCPA from Fastlite, pumped by a 225-W Yb:YAG thin-disk regenerative amplifier from Trumpf Scientific, based on an industrial micro-machining system. The high repetition rate and average power of the OPCPA output is envisaged to provide good signal-to-noise ratio in both photo-electron and optical (infrared) spectroscopy experiments. The system has several outputs, as detailed in the following:
| Wavelength (nm)
| Pulse energy (uJ)
| Pulse duration (fs)
CEP-stable HHG
| 1750 ± 100
2800 ± 200
| ~150 50-100
| 50 65
Tunable IR spectroscopy
| 1430-1850 2330-3680
| 85-240* 27-135*
| 80-160* 100-180*
* depending on wavelength
There is also the possibility to generate picosecond tunable IR pulses.
The laser has been fully commissioned, and we are now developing secondary sources in the vis-NIR and MIR. These will be used for 2D-IR spectroscopy, and time-resolved XUV photo-electron spectroscopy (using our
new 100 kHz XUV beamline).
For more details on the laser architecture and performance, see:
A versatile high-average-power ultrafast infrared driver tailored for high-harmonic generation and vibrational spectroscopy
Nicolas Thiré, Gourab Chatterjee, Yoann Pertot, Olivier Albert, Gabriel Karras, Yu Zhang, Adam S. Wyatt, Michael Towrie, Emma Springate, Gregory M. Greetham & Nicolas Forget.