Upcoming X-lites Early Career Opportunity at the 2025 ELI User Meeting
24 Mar 2025
- Xinyu Chen




early career workshop flyer



​The Extreme Lig​ht in Inte​nsi​ty, Time and Space (X-lites) group is a network of extreme light facilities across the globe which the Central Laser Facility is a part of. By bringing together facility users and operators, X-lites aims to support high-impact science and engineering using extreme light.​

X-lites network.png 

Image credit: About the X-lites Network | Institute for Optical Science

Besides strengthening collaboration among and improving communication within the facilities, X-lites also aims to support the development of early career researchers in the field. This year, X-lites will be hosting a professional development workshop and attending the 2025 ELI User Meeting. Pre-tenure professors, postdocs, late-stage graduate students, and junior researchers working in the field of “extreme light" from all around the world are encouraged to apply. Researchers with connections to the Central Laser Facility (and other X-lites networks or facilities) will be given preference, and travel fellowships will be provided to cover travel costs for any researchers outside of Hungary.  


The workshop will be held on the afternoon of the 17th of June, and the user meeting will be held from the 18th to the 21st of June. Both events will take place at the ELI ALPS Facility in Szeged, Hungary. The application deadline is 21 April 2025. Interested early career researchers are encouraged to apply now.


For more information, click here​.


Contact: Chen, Xinyu (STFC,RAL,CLF)