Ultra Publications
27 Jan 2010



Publications from the Ultra Facility




2025​   202​4   2023    2022​    2021    2020​    2019    2018    2017    Ol​der


Probing the Signal ​Transduction Mechanism of the Light-Activated Adenylate Cyclase OaPAC Using Unnatural Amino Acid Mutagenesis​

  • Samruddhi S. Jewlikar, 
  • Jinnette Tolentino Collado, 
  • Madeeha I. Ali, 
  • Aya Sabbah, 
  • YongLe He, 
  • James N. Iuliano, 
  • Christopher R. Hall, 
  • Katrin Adamczyk, 
  • Gregory M. Greetham, 
  • Andras Lukacs, 
  • Stephen R. Meech and 
  • Peter J. Tonge

  • ACS Chem. Biol.

    DOI: 10.1021/acschembio.4c00627

    Anion Localization on Termini of a Non-Fullerene Acceptor Aids Charge Transport​

    ​​Junjun GuoMartin V. ApplebyKui DingTong ShanJames ShippIgor V. SazanovichDimitri ChekulaevZhuoran QiaoRicardo J. Fernández-TeránRachel Crespo OteroNicola GaspariniHongliang ZhongJulia A. Weinstein and Tracey M. Clarke

    Advanced Energy Material

    DOI: 10.1002/aenm.202404926


    Enhancing Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer in Blue Light Using FAD Photoreceptor AppABLUF​​

    • YongLe He, 
    • Agnieszka A. Gil, 
    • Sergey P. Laptenok, 
    • Anam Fatima, 
    • Jinnette Tolentino Collado, 
    • James N. Iuliano, 
    • Helena A. Woroniecka, 
    • Richard Brust, 
    • Aya Sabbah, 
    • Michael Towrie, 
    • Gregory M. Greetham, 
    • Igor V. Sazanovich, 
    • Jarrod B. French, 
    • Andras Lukacs, 
    • Stephen R. Meech and 
    • Peter J. Tonge

    Journal of the American Chemical Society

    DOI: 10.1021/jacs.4c11817


    C. Gajo, D. Shchepanovska . F. Jones, G. Karras, P. Malakar , G. M. Greetham , O. A. Hawkins, C. J. Jordan, B. F. Curchod, and T. A. Oliver.

    The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 2024

    Two-Dimensional Infrared Spectroscopy Resolves the Vibrational Landscape in Donor–Bridge–Acceptor Complexes with Site-Specific Isotopic Labeling

    James D. Shipp, Ricardo J. Fernández-Terán, Alexander J. Auty, Heather Carson, Andrew J. Sadler, Michael Towrie, Igor V. Sazanovich, Paul M. Donaldson, Anthony J. H. M. Meijer, Julia A. Weinstein.

    ACS Physical Chemistry Au., 2024

    DOI: 10.1021/acsphyschemau.4c00073

    Supporting Information: Unravelling the ultrafast photochemical dynamics of nitrobenzene in aqueous solution

    Nicholas A. Lau, Deborin Ghosh, Susannah Bourne-Worster, Rhea Kumar, William A. Whitaker, Jonas Heitland, Julia A. Davies, Gabriel Karras, Ian Clark, Gregory M. Greetham, Graham A. Worth, Andrew J. Orr-Ewing, and Helen H. Fielding.

    Open Access, 202​4

    Deborin Ghosh, K. Eryn Spinlove, Hallam J. M. Greene, Nicholas Lau, Sandra Gómez, Min-Hsien Kao, William Whitaker, Ian P. Clark, Partha Mal​akar, Graham A. Worth, Thomas A. A. Oliver, Helen H. Fielding, Andrew J. Orr-Ewing.

    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2024

    Amy L. Farmer, Kelly Brown, Neil T. Hunt

    Vibrational Spectroscopy, 2024, Volume 134
    Chao Lia, Tao Liub, Owen Thwaitesc, Adrian M. Gardnera, Igor V. Sazanovichd, Haofan Yange, Xiaobo Lie, Andrew I. Cooperb and Alexander J. Cowan

    Chem. Sci., 2024, Advance Article

    Hallam J. M. Greene, Deborin Ghosh, Igor V. Sazanovich, Ryan Phelps, Basile F. E. Curchod, Andrew J. Orr-Ewing
    J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2024

    Mark Stitch, Rosie Sanders, Igor V. Sazanovich, Michael Towrie, Stanley W. Botchway, Susan J. Quinn​
    J. Phys. Chem. B; 2024
    DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.4c04129
    Paul M. Donaldson, Igor V. Sazanovich, Partha Malakar, Sourav Maiti, Mike Towrie, Gregory M. Greetham
    Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev.; 2024
    DOI: 10.1595/205651324X17092043851525
    Emma Campbell, Igor V. Sazanovich, Michael Towrie, Michael J. Watson, Ines Lezcano-Gonzalez, Andrew M. Beale
    Alex R. Neale, Igor V. Sazanovich, Laurence J. Hardwick
    Current Opinion in Electrochemistry, Volume 45, 101480; 2024
    DOI: 10.1016/j.coelec.2024.101480
    E. Plackett, C. Robertson, A. De Matos Loja, H. McGhee, G. Karras, I. V. Sazanovich, R. A. Ingle, M. J. Paterson, R. S. Minns
    J. Chem. Phys. 160, 124311; 2024
    DOI: 10.1063/5.0192407
    Holly. E. Smith, Alasdair M. Mackenzie, Chloe Seddon, Rhys Mould, Ifi Kalampouka, Partha Malakar, Sarah R. Needham, Konstantinos Beis, Jimmy D. Bell, Alistair Nunn & Stanley W. Botchway
    Scientific Reports, volume 14; 2024
    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-55780-5

    Nicholas A. Lau, Deborin Ghosh, Susannah Bourne-Worster, Rhea Kumar, William A. Whitaker, Jonas Heitl, Julia A. Davies, Gabriel Karras, Ian P. Clark, Gregory M. Greetham, Graham A. Worth, Andrew J. Orr-Ewing, Helen H. Fielding
    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2024, 146, 15, 10407–10417
    DOI: 10.1021/jacs.3c13826

    ​​​Paul M. Donaldson
    J. Chem. Phys. 160, 104204; 2024
    DOI: 10.1063/5.0193551

    Adrian M. Gardner, Gaia Neri, Bhavin Siritanaratkul, Hansaem Jang, Khezar H. Saeed, Paul M. Donaldson, and Alexander J. Cowan
    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2024
    DOI: 10.1021/jacs.3c13076

    Ian J. S. Fairlamb and Jason M. Lynam
    Accounts of Chemical Research 2024​

    YongLe He, Jinnette Tolentino Collado, James N. Iuliano, Helena A. Woroniecka, Christopher R. Hall, Agnieszka A. Gil, Sergey P. Laptenok, Gregory M. Greetham, Boris Illarionov, Adelbert Bacher, Markus Fischer, Jarrod B. French, Andras Lukacs, Stephen R. Meech, and Peter J. Tonge
    ACS Chem. Biol. 2024​
    DOI: 10.1021/acschembio.3c00722

    Laser induced temperature-jump time resolved IR spectroscopy of zeo​lites

    Alexander P. Hawkins, Amy E. Edmeades, Christopher D. M. Hutchison, Michael Towrie, Russell F. Howe, Gregory M. Greetham, Paul M. Donaldson
    Chem. Sci., 2024,15

    Gema Cabello, Igor V. Sazanovich, Ioannis Siachos, Matthew Bilton, Beata L. Mehdi, Alex R. Neale, and Laurence J. Hardwick​
    J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2024, 15​

    William Whitaker, Igor V. Sazanovich, Yonghwan Kwon, Woojin Jeon, Min Sang Kwon, and Andrew J. Orr-Ewing
    J. Phys. Chem. A 2023, 127​
    DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.3c04780

    Sourav Maiti, Laurens D. A. Siebbeles​
    J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2023, 14
    DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.3c03013

    Eliana Nicolaidou, Anthony W. Parker, Igor V. Sazanovich, Michael Towrie, and Sophia C. Hayes
    J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2023, 14
    DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.3c01803

    Nicolas Thiré, Gourab Chatterjee, Yoann Pertot, Olivier Albert, Gabriel Karras, Yu Zhang, Adam S. Wyatt, Michael Towrie, Emma Sprigate, Gregory M. Greetham & Nicolas Forget
    Sci Rep 13, 18874 (2023)​
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-46325-3

    Samantha H. Rutherford, Christopher D. M. Hutchison, Gregory M. Greetham, Anthony W. Parker, Alison Nordon, Matthew J. Baker, and Neil T. Hunt
    Anal. Chem. 2023, 95

    Mark Stitch, Davide Avagliano, Daniel Graczyk, Ian P. Clark, Leticia González, Michael Towrie, and Susan J Quinn

    Paul M. Donaldson, Greg M. Greetham, Chris T. Middleton, Brad M. Luther, Martin T. Zanni, Peter Hamm,​ and Amber T. Krummel
    ACS, 2023​
    DOI: 10.1021/acs.accounts.3c00152

    Richard T Chapman, Adam S Wyatt; Yu Zhang, James O. F. Thompson, Charlotte E Sanders, Greg M. Greetham,​ Emma Springate
    IEEE 2023, Published in 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC)

    Mahima Sneha, Georgia L. Thornton, Luke Lewis-Borrell, Alison S. H. Ryder, Samuel G. Espley, Ian P. Clark, Alexander J. Cresswell, Matthew N. Grayson, and And​rew J. Orr-Ewing
    ACS Catalysis 2023
    DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.3c01474
    ​Akalya Karunakaran, Katie J. Francis, Chris R. Bowen, Richard J. Ball, Yuanzhu Zhao, Lina Wang, Neil B. McKeown, Mariolino Carta, Philip J. Fletcher, Remi Castaing, Mar​k A. Isaacs, Laurence J. Hardwick , Gema Cabello, Igor V. Sazanovich​, Frank Marken 
    ChemCommun. 2023, Advance Article
    ​DOI: 10.1039/D3CC01442H

    ​​Kay Sowoidnich, Michael Towrie and Pavel Matousek
    Applied Spectroscopy 2023
    DOI: 10.1177/00037028231168405
    Ngaatendwe B. C. Pfukwa, Marina Rautenbach, Neil T. Hunt, Olufemi O. Olaoye, Vikas Kumar, Anthony W. Parker, Lucy Minnes, and Pieter H. Neethling
    J. Phys. Chem. B 2023
    DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.2c06115

    Jonathan B. Eastwood, L. Anders Hammarback, Thomas J. Burden, Ian P. Clark, Michael Towrie, Alan Robinson, Ian J. S. Fairlamb, and Jason M. Lynam​
    Organometallics 2023
    DOI: 10.1021/acs.organomet.3c00004

    Magnus Speirs, Samantha J. O. Hardman, Andreea I. Iorgu, Linus O. Johannissen, Derren J. Heyes, Nigel S. Scrutton, Igor V. Sazanovich, and Sam Hay​
    J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2023
    DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.3c00176

     Paul M. Donaldson,  Russell F. Howe,  Alexander P. Hawkins, Mike Towrie, and  Gregory M. Greetham
    J. Chem. Phys. , 2023

    C. P. Howe, G. M. Greetham, B. Procacci, A. W. Parker, and N. T. Hunt
    J. Phys. Chem. B 2023
    DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.2c08709

    Thomas J Burden, Kathryn P. R. Fernandez, Mary Kagoro, Jonathan Eastwood, Theo F N Tanner, Adrian C Whitwood, Ian P Clark, Michael Towrie, Jean-Philippe Krieger, Jason Martin Lynam, Ian James Stewart Fairlamb​

    ​Chem. Eur. J.2023

    DOI: 10.1002/chem.202203038​

    Paul M. Donaldson, ACS Publications, Anal​ytical Chemistry 2022
    Kateřina Peterková, Mark Stitch, Rayhaan Z Boota, Paul Scattergood, Paul Elliott, Michael Towrie, Peter Podbevsek, Janez Plavec, Susan Jane Quinn
    Pa´raic M. Kea​ne,​ Clara Zehe, Fergus E. Poynton, Sandra A. Bright, Sandra Estayalo-Adria´n, Stephen J. Devereux, Paul M. Donaldson, Igor V. Sazanovich, Michael Towrie, Stanley W. Botchway, Christine J. Cardin, D. Clive Williams, Thorfinnur Gunnlaugsson, Conor Long, John M. Kelly and Susan J. Quinn
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.  2022
    ​DOI: 10.1039/d2​cp04604k

    Adam Šrut, Sebastian Mai, Igor V. Sazanovich, Jan Heyda, Antonín Vlček, Leticia González and Stanislav Záliš
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2022
    DOI: 10.1039/D2CP02981B

    Solomon L. D. Wrathall, Barbara Procacci, Marius Horch, Emily Saxton, Chris Furlan, Julia Walton, Yvonne Rippers, James N. Blaza, Gregory M. Greetham, Michael Towrie, Anthony W. Parker, Jason Lynam, Alison Parkin and Neil T. Hunt
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022
    C. P. Howe, G. M. Greetham, B. Procacci, A. W. Parker, and N. T. Hunt
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2022 13 (39), 9171-9176
    DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.2c02338​
    ​Catharina J. Kulka-Peschke, Anne-Christine Schulz, Christian Lorent, Yvonne Rippers, Stefan Wahlefeld, Janina Preissler, Claudia Schulz, Charlotte Wiemann, Cornelius C. M. Bernitzky, Chara Karafoulidi-Retsou, Solomon L. D. Wrathall, Barbara Procacci, Hiroaki Matsuura, Gregory M. Greetham, Christian Teutloff, Lars Lauterbach, Yoshiki Higuchi, Masaharu Ishii, Neil T. Hunt, Oliver Lenz, Ingo Zebger, and Marius Horch; ACS
    DOI: 10.1021/jacs.2c06400
    Jinnette Tolentino Collado, James N. Iuliano, Katalin Pirisi, Samruddhi Jewlikar, Katrin Adamczyk, Gregory M. Greetham, Michael Towrie, Jeremy R. H. Tame, Stephen R. Meech, Peter J. Tonge, and Andras Lukacs; ACS Chem. Biol. 2022
    L. Anders Hammarback, Jonathan B. Eastwood, Thomas J. Burden, Callum J. Pearce,  Ian P. Clark, Michael Towrie, Alan Robinson,  Ian J. S. Fairlamb and  Jason M. Lynam​; Chemical Science 2022
    DOI: 10.1039/D2SC02562K

    Lithium Insertion into Graphitic Carbon Observed via Operando Kerr-Gated Raman Spectroscopy Enables High State of Charge Diagnostics​
    Alex R. Neale, David C. Milan, Filipe Braga, Igor V. Sazanovich, and Laurence J. Hardwick​; ​ACS Energy Lett. 2022, 7
    ​DOI: 10.1021/acsenergylett.2c01120​​

    Detection of paracetamol binding to albumin in blood serum using 2D-IR spectroscopy​
    Samantha H Rutherford, Gregory M Greetham, Michael Towrie, Anthony W Parker, Soheila Kharratian, Thomas F Krauss, Alison Nordon, Matthew J Baker, Neil T Hunt; Analyst. 2022 Jul 14
    DOI: 10.1039/d2an0​0978a
    ​Sourav Maiti, Sunayana Mitra, Clinton A. Johnson, Kai C. Gronborg, Sean Garrett-Roe, Paul M. Donaldson; ACS Publications, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2022, 13, 34, 8104–8110​​
    DOI: ​​​10.1021/acs.jpclett.2c01457
    ​C.P. Howe, G.M. Greetham, B. Procacci, D. J. Shaw, M. Towrie, A.W. Parker, N.T. Hunt. 
    Research Gate​​ 2022

    Energy Relaxation of Porphycene in Atomic and Molecular Cryogenic Matrices​
    Jacek Dobkowski,Igor V. Sazanovich, Aleksander Gorski and Jacek Waluk; Photochem 2022, 2(2)​

    Solving the Puzzle of Unusual Excited-State Proton Transfer in 2,5-Bis(6-methyl-2-benzoxazolyl)phenol
    Jacek Dobkowski, Michał Kijak, Sylwester Gawinkowski, Elena Karpiuk, Mariusz Pietrzak, Igor V. Sazanovich, and Jacek Waluk; J. Phys. Chem. A 2022, 126

     Structural Information about the trans-to-cis Isomerization Mechanism of the Photoswitchable Fluorescent Protein rsEGFP2 Revealed by Multiscale Infrared Transient Absorption​
    Lucas M. Uriarte*, Raffaele Vitale, Stanisław Niziński, Kyprianos Hadjidemetriou, Ninon Zala, Andras Lukacs, Gregory M. Greetham, Igor V. Sazanovich, Martin Weik, Cyril Ruckebusch, Stephen R. Meech, and Michel Sliwa, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2022
    ​DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.1c02920

    Manganese-Mediated C–H Bond Activation of Fluorinated Aromatics and the ortho-Fluorine Effect: Kinetic Analysis by In Situ Infrared Spectroscopic Analysis and Time-Resolved Methods​
    L. Anders Hammarback, Amy L. Bishop, Christina Jordan, Gayathri Athavan, Jonathan B. Eastwood, Thomas J. Burden, Joshua T. W. Bray, Francis Clarke, Alan Robinson, Jean-Philippe Krieger, Adrian Whitwood, Ian P. Clark, Michael Towrie, Jason M. Lynam, and Ian J. S. Fairlamb, ACS Catal.


    Detection of Glycine as a Model Protein in Blood Serum Using 2D-IR Spectroscopy
    Samantha H. Rutherford; Gregory M. Greetham; Paul M. Donaldson; Michael Towrie; Anthony W. Parker; Matthew J. Baker; Neil T. Hunt, Analytical Chemistry

    DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.0c03567

    Excitation-wavelength-dependent photophysics of d8d8 di-isocyanide complexes
    M Pižl, BM Hunter, IV Sazanovich, M Towrie, HB Gray, S Záliš, and A Vlček, Inorg. Chem.
    DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.1c02645

    Solvent-dependent excited-state evolution of Prodan dyes
    P Pospíšil, L Cwiklik, J Sýkora, M Hof, GM Greetham, M Towrie, and A Vlček, J. Phys. Chem. B
    DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.1c09030

    Direct observation of reactive intermediates by time-resolved spectroscopy unravels the mechanism of a radical-induced 1,2-metalate rearrangement
    L Lewis-Borrell, M Sneha, IP Clark, V Fasano, A Noble, VK Aggarwal, and AJ Orr-Ewing, J. Am. Chem. Soc.
    DOI: 10.1021/jacs.1c07964

    Adenine radical cation formation by a ligand-centered excited state of an intercalated chromium polypyridyl complex leads to enhanced DNA photo-oxidation
    FA Baptista, D Krizsan, M Stitch, IV Sazanovich, IP Clark, M Towrie, C Long, L Martinez-Fernandez, R Improta, NAP Kane-Maguire, JM Kelly, and SJ Quinn, J. Am. Chem. Soc.
    DOI: 10.1021/jacs.1c06658

    Nanosecond heme-to-heme electron transfer rates in a multiheme cytochrome nanowire reported by a spectrally unique His/Met-ligated heme
    JH van Wonderen, K Adamczyk, X Wu, X Jiang, SEH Piper, CR Hall, MJ Edwards, TA Clarke, H Zhang, LJC Jeuken, IV Sazanovich, M Towrie, J Blumberger, SR Meech, and JN Butt, PNAS
    DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2107939118

    Sensing of bacterial spores with 2D-IR spectroscopy
    B Procacci, SH Rutherford, GM Greetham, M Towrie, AW Parker, CV Robinson, CR Howle, and NT. Hunt, Proc. SPIE 11749
    DOI: 10.1117/12.2585894​

    Time-resolved Raman spectroscopy of polaron formation in a polymer photocatalyst
    VL Piercy, KH Saeed, AW Prentice, G Neri, C Li, AM Gardner, Y Bai, RS Sprick, IV Sazanovich, AI Cooper, MJ Rosseinsky, ​MA Zwijnenburg and AJ Cowan, J. Phys. Chem. B
    DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.1c03073

    Organic cage inclusion crystals exhibiting guest-enhanced multiphoton harvesting​​​
    G-H Ning, P Cui, IV Sazanovich, JT Pegg, Q Zhu, Z Pang, R-J Wei, M Towrie, KE Jelfs, MA Little and AI Cooper, Chem

    Structure-Dependent Electron Transfer Rates for Dihydrophenazine, Phenoxazine, and Phenothiazine Photoredox Catalysts Employed in Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization
    M Sneha, A Bhattacherjee, L Lewis-Borrell, IP Clark, and AJ Orr-Ewing, J. Phys. Chem. B
    DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.1c05069​

    Towards understanding non-equivalence of α and ​β subunits within human hemoglobin in conformational relaxation and molecular oxygen rebinding

    SV Lepeshkevich, IV Sazanovich, MV Parkhats, SN Gilevich, and BM Dzhagarov, Chem. Sci.
    DOI: 10.1039/D1SC00712B

    An ultrafast vibrational study of dynamical heterogeneity in the protic ionic liquid ethyl-ammonium nitrate. I. Room temperature dynamics

    CA Johnson, AW Parker, PM Donaldson, and S Garrett-Roe, J. Chem. Phys.
    DOI: 10.1063/5.0044822

    Singlet and Triplet Contributions to the Excited-State Activities of Dihydrophenazine, Phenoxazine, and Phenothiazine Organocatalysts Used in Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization

    A Bhattacherjee, M Sneha, L Lewis-Borrell, G Amoruso, TAA Oliver, J Tyler, IP Clark, and AJ Orr-Ewing, J. Am. Chem. Soc.
    DOI: 10.1021/jacs.1c00279

    Identification of the vibrational marker of tyrosine cation radical using ultrafast transient infrared spectroscopy of flavoprotein systems
    K Pirisi, L Nag, Z Fekete, JN Iuliano, J Tolentino Collado, IP Clark, Ildiko Pecsi, P Sournia, U Liebl, GM Greetham, PJ Tonge, SR Meech, MH Vos, and A Lukacs, Photobiol. Sci.
    DOI: 10.1007/s43630-021-00024-y

    ​Exploiting a Neutral BODIPY Copolymer as an Effective Agent for Photodynamic Antimicrobial Inactivation
    ​AA Cullen, A Rajagopal, K Heintz, A Heise, R Murphy, IV Sazanovich, GM Greetham, M Towrie, C Long, D Fitzgerald-Hughes and MT Pryce, J. Phys. Chem. B

    DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.0c09634

    Direct Observation of the Microscopic Reverse of the Ubiquitous Concerted Metalation Deprotonation Step in C–H Bond Activation Catalysis
    LA Hammarback, BJ Aucott, JTW Bray, IP Clark, M Towrie, A Robinson, IJS Fairlamb and JM Lynam, J. Am. Chem. Soc.
    DOI: 10.1021/jacs.0c10409

    Differentiation of bacterial spores via 2D-IR spectroscopy
    B Procacci, SH Rutherford, GM Greetham, M Towrie, AW Parker, CV Robinson, CR Howle and NT Hunt, Spectrochim. Acta A
    DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2020.119319


    Tuning Photoinduced Electron Transfer in POM-Bodipy Hybrids by Controlling the Environment: Experiment and Theory
    G Toupalas, J Karlsson, FA Black, A Masip-Sanchez, X Lopez, YB M'Barek, S Blanchard, A Proust, S Alves, P Chabera, IP Clark, T Pollerits, JM Poblet, EA Gobson and G Izzet, Angew. Chem.
    DOI: 10.1002/anie.202014677

    Light- and Manganese-Initiated Borylation of Aryl Diazonium Salts: Mechanistic Insight on the Ultrafast Time-Scale Revealed by Time-Resolved Spectroscopic Analysis
    I Fairlamb, JD Firth, LA Hammarback, TJ Burden, JB Eastwood, JR Donald, CS Horbaczewskyj, MT McRobie, A Tramaseur, IP Clark, M Towrie, A Robinson, J-P Krieger and JM Lynam, Chem. Eur. J.
    DOI: 10.1002/chem.202004568

    Insight into the effects of confined hydrocarbon species on the lifetime of methanol conversion catalysts
    I Lezcano-Gonzalez, E Campbell, AEJ Hoffman, M Bocus, IV Sazonovich, M Towrie, M Agote-Aran, EK Gibson, A Greenaway, K De Wispelaere, V Van Speybroeck and AM Beale, Nat. Mater.
    DOI: 10.1038/s41563-020-0800-y

    Radical Formation in the Photoactivated Adenylate Cyclase OaPAC Revealed by Ultrafast Spectroscopy
    A Lukacs, J Tolentino, J Iuliano, K Pirisi, PJ Tonge, G Greetham, M Towrie, SR Meech, Biophys. J.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.bpj.2019.11.3285

    Charge-shifting optical lock-in detection with shifted excitation Raman difference spectroscopy for the analysis of fluorescent heterogeneous samples
    K Sowoidnich, M Maiwald, B Sumpf, M Towrie and P Matousek, SPIE BiOS, 2020, San Francisco, California, United States
    DOI: 10.1117/12.2544752

    Time-resolved infra-red spectroscopy reveals competitive water and dinitrogen coordination to a manganese(I) carbonyl complex
    JB Eastwood, LA Hammarback, MT McRobie, IP Clark, M Towrie, IJS Fairlamb and JM Lynam, Dalton T.
    DOI: 10.1039/C9DT04878B

    Photon echoes and two dimensional spectra of the amide I band of proteins measured by femtosecond IR – Raman spectroscopy
    PM Donaldson, Chem. Sci.
    DOI: 10.1039/D0SC02978E

    Two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy: an emerging analytical tool?
    R Fritzsch, S Hume, L Minnes, MJ Baker, GA Burley and NT Hunt, Analyst
    DOI: 10.1039/C9AN02035G

    Understanding the factors controlling the photo-oxidation of natural DNA by enantiomerically pure intercalating ruthenium polypyridyl complexes through TA/TRIR studies with polydeoxynucleotides and mixed sequence oligodeoxynucleotides
    PM Keane, K O'Sullivan, FE Poynton, BC Poulsen, IV Sazanovich, M Towrie, CJ Cardin, XZ Sun, MW George, T Gunnlaugsson, SJ Quinn and JM Kelly, Chem. Sci.
    DOI: 10.1039/D0SC02413A

    Photocycle of Cyanobacteriochrome TePixJ
    SJO Hardman, DJ Heyes, I Sazanovich and NS Scrutton, Biochemistry
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    A 2-step synthesis of Combretastatin A-4 and derivatives as potent tubulin assembly inhibitors
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    The influence of loops on the binding of the [Ru(phen)2dppz]2+ light-switch compound to i-motif DNA structures revealed by time-resolved spectroscopy
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    Caught in the Loop: Binding of the [Ru(phen)2(dppz)]2+ Light-Switch Compound to Quadruplex DNA in Solution informed by Time-Resolved Infrared Spectroscopy
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    Ultrafast Vibrational Energy Transfer between Protein and Cofactor in a Flavoenzyme
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    Evaluation of a Health Literacy Instrument Designed for the Mining Industry
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    Unraveling the Mechanism of a LOV Domain Optogenetic Sensor: A Glutamine Lever Induces Unfolding of the Jα Helix
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    Detection of Age-Related Changes in Tendon Molecular Composition by Raman Spectroscopy—Potential for Rapid, Non-Invasive Assessment of Susceptibility to Injury
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    Time-Resolved Temperature-Jump Infrared Spectroscopy at a High Repetition Rate
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    Functional dynamics of a single tryptophan residue in a BLUF protein revealed by fluorescence spectroscopy
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    2D-IR Spectroscopy of Proteins in Water: Using the Solvent Thermal Response as an Internal Standard
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    Mechanisms of IR amplification in radical cation polarons
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    Understanding the structure and dynamics of hydrogenases by ultrafast and two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy
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    Implications of the Molybdenum Coordination Environment in MFI Zeolites on Methane Dehydroaromatisation Performance
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    A Compact Micro-Bolometer Array for Mid-Infrared Laser Beam Alignment, Diagnostics and Spot-Size Measurement
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    Adaptive band target entropy minimization: Optimization for the decomposition of spatially offset Raman spectra of bone
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    Picosecond to millisecond tracking of a photocatalytic decarboxylation reaction provides direct mechanistic insights
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    Insight into the mechanism of CO-release from trypto-CORM using ultra-fast spectroscopy and computational chemistry
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    Site-Specific Protein Dynamics Probed by Ultrafast Infrared Spectroscopy of a Noncanonical Amino Acid
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    An Ultrafast Vibrational Study of Dynamical Heterogeneity in the Protic Ionic Liquid Ethyl-Ammonium Nitrate
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    Kerr gated Raman spectroscopy of LiPF6 salt and LiPF6-based organic carbonate electrolyte for Li-ion batteries
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    Photochemical or electrochemical bond breaking – exploring the chemistry of (μ2-alkyne)Co2(CO)6 complexes using time-resolved infrared spectroscopy, spectro-electrochemical and density functional methods
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    Ultrafast Light-Driven Electron Transfer in a Ru(II)tris(bipyridine)-Labeled Multiheme Cytochrome
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    Monitoring the Formation and Reactivity of Organometallic Alkane and Fluoroalkane Complexes with Silanes and Xe Using Time-Resolved X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectroscopy
    SA Bartlett, NA Besley, AJ Dent, S Diaz-Moreno, J Evans, ML Hamilton, MWD Hanson-Heine, R Horvath, V Manici, Xue-Zhong Sun, M Towrie, L Wu, X Zhang and MW George, J. Am. Chem. Soc.
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    Assembly, charge-transfer and solar cell performance with porphyrin-C60 on NiO for p-type dye-sensitized solar cells
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    Monitoring Base Specific Dynamics during Melting of DNA-Ligand Complexes Using Temperature-Jump Time-Resolved Infrared Spectroscopy
    R Fritzsch, GM Greetham, IP Clark, L Minnes, M Towrie, AW Parker and NT Hunt, J. Phys. Chem. B
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    In situ study of the low overpotential “dimer pathway” for electrocatalytic carbon dioxide reduction by manganese carbonyl complexes
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    Measuring proteins in H2O with 2D-IR spectroscopy
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    Shifted Excitation Raman Difference Spectroscopy with Charge-Shifting CCD Lock-In Detection
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    The importance of microstructure in determining polaron generation yield in poly(9,9-dioctylfluorene)
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    Lock-in detection in Raman spectroscopy with charge-shifting CCD for suppression of fast varying backgrounds
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    Spectro-electrochemical Studies on [Ru(TAP)(2)(dppz)](2+)-Insights into the Mechanism of its Photosensitized Oxidation of Oligonucleotides
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    Two Tryptophans Are Better Than One in Accelerating Electron Flow through a Protein
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    Photoelectrocatalytic H2 evolution from integrated photocatalysts adsorbed on NiO
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    Detection of catalytic intermediates at an electrode surface during carbon dioxide reduction by an earth-abundant catalyst
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    Mapping out the key carbon-carbon bond-forming steps in Mn-catalysed C-H functionalization
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    Spironaphthoxazine switchable dyes for biological imaging
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    Influence of charge transfer on the isomerisation of stilbene derivatives for application in cancer therapy
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    Rapid photoinduced charge injection into covalent polyoxometalate-bodipy conjugates
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    Infrared spectroscopy reveals multi-step multi-timescale photoactivation in the photoconvertible protein archetype dronpa
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    Vibrational Relaxation and Redistribution Dynamics in Ruthenium(II) Polypyridyl-Based Charge-Transfer Excited States: A Combined Ultrafast Electronic and Infrared Absorption Study
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    Photophysical and electrochemical properties of [Re(CO)3Cl(NN)] (NN = dppp3, dppp2, dppp2Br) complexes functionalised with pendant pyridyl ligands
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    Transient absorption and time-resolved vibrational studies of photophysical and photochemical processes in DNA-intercalating polypyridyl metal complexes or cationic porphyrins
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    Laser-matter interactions in additive manufacturing of SS316L and 13-93 bioactive glass revealed by in situ X-ray imaging
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    Front Cover: Photochemical Mechanism of an Atypical Algal Phytochrome
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    A combined time-resolved infrared and density functional theory study of the lowest excited states of 9-fluorenone and 2-naphthaldehyde
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    In situ X-ray imaging of defect and molten pool dynamics in laser additive manufacturing
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    Investigating the role of the organic cation in formamidinium lead iodide perovskite using ultrafast spectroscopy
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    Rapid screening of DNA-ligand complexes via 2D-IR spectroscopy and ANOVA-PCA
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    Probing the carbon-hydrogen activation of alkanes following photolysis of Tp'Rh(CNR)(carbodiimide): A computational and time-resolved infrared spectroscopic study
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    Charge transfer in trans-combretastatins
    N Holzmann, L Bernasconi, KM Callaghan, RH Bisby, and AW Parker, Chem. Phys. Lett.
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    Variation in LOV photoreceptor activation dynamics probed by time resolved infrared spectroscopy
    JN Iuliano, AA Gil, SP Laptenok, CR Hall, J Tolentino Collado, A Lukacs, SA Hag Ahmed, J Abyad, T Daryaee, GM Greetham, IV Sazanovich, B Illarionov, A Bacher, M Fischer, M Towrie, JB French, SR Meech, and PJ Tonge, Biochemistry
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    A 100 kHz pulse shaping 2D-IR spectrometer based on dual Yb:KGW amplifiers
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    Anion mediated photophysical behavior in a C60 fullerene [3]rotaxane shuttle
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    Effect of oligomer length on vibrational coupling and energy relaxation in double-stranded DNA
    G Hithell, PM Donaldson, GM Greetham, M Towrie, AW Parker, GA Burley, and NT Hunt, Chem. Phys.
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    Ultrafast Wiggling and Jiggling: Ir2(1,8-diisocyanomenthane)42+
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    Spatially offset Raman spectroscopy for photon migration studies in bones with different mineralization levels
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    Examining the role of protein structural dynamics in drug resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis
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    Exploring the Dynamics of the Photoinduced Ring-Opening of Heterocyclic Molecules
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    Taking the plunge: chemical reaction dynamics in liquids
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    Engineering proximal vs. distal heme-NO coordination via dinitrosyl dynamics: implications for NO sensor design
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    Photochemically active DNA-intercalating ruthenium and related complexes - insights by combining crystallography and transient spectroscopy
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    Directing the path of light-induced electron transfer at a molecular fork using vibrational excitation
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    Electronic Delocalization in the Radical Cations of Porphyrin Oligomer Molecular Wires
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    The Role of Electrode-Catalyst Interactions in Enabling Efficient CO2 Reduction with Mo(bpy)(CO)4 As Revealed by Vibrational Sum-Frequency Generation Spectroscopy
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    Femtosecond to microsecond observation of the photochemical reaction of 1,2-di(quinolin-2-yl)disulfide with methyl methacrylate
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    Directly Coupled vs. Spectator Linkers on Diimine Pt(II) Acetylides - Change the Structure, Keep the Function?
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    Quantifying Secondary Structure Changes in Calmodulin Using 2D-IR Spectroscopy
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    Inosine Can Increase DNA's Susceptibility to Photo-oxidation by a Ru II Complex due to Structural Change in the Minor Groove
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    Photoactivation of the BLUF protein PixD Probed by the Site-Specific Incorporation of Fluorotyrosine Residues
    AA Gil, SP Laptenok, JN Iuliano, A Lukacs, A Verma, CR Hall, E Yoon, R Brust, GM Greetham, M Towrie, JB French, SR Meech, and PJ Tonge, J. Am. Chem. Soc.
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    Photoaquation Mechanism of Hexacyanoferrate(II) Ions: Ultrafast 2D UV and Transient Visible and IR Spectroscopies
    M Reinhard, G Aubock, NA Besley, IP Clark, GM Greetham, MWD Hanson-Heine, R Horvath, TS Murphy, TJ Penfold, M Towrie, MW George, and M Chergui, J. Am. Chem. Soc.
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    Ultrafast 2D-IR and optical Kerr effect spectroscopy reveal the impact of duplex melting on the structural dynamics of DNA
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    Oxygen Mapping of Melanoma Spheroids using Small Molecule Platinum Probe and Phosphorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy
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    Increasing p-type dye sensitised solar cell photovoltages using polyoxometalates
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    Integrating Optical Tweezers, DNA Tightropes, and Single-Molecule Fluorescence Imaging
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    Investigating interfacial electron transfer in dye-sensitized NiO using vibrational spectroscopy
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    Probing the use of long lived intra-ligand π–π* excited states for photocatalytic systems: A study of the photophysics and photochemistry of [ReCl(CO)3(dppz-(CH3)2)]
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    2D-IR Spectroscopy Shows that Optimized DNA Minor Groove Binding of Hoechst33258 Follows an Induced Fit Model
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    Excited-State Properties of Protochlorophyllide Analogues and Implications for Light-Driven Synthesis of Chlorophyll
    DJ Heyes, SJO Hardman, D Mansell, A Ni Cheallaigh, JM Gardiner, LO Johannissen, GM Greetham, M Towrie, and NS Scrutton, J. Phys. Chem. B
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    Charge-transfer dynamics at the dye-semiconductor interface of photocathodes for solar energy applications
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    Femtosecond to Millisecond Dynamics of Light Induced Allostery in the Avena sativa LOV Domain
    AA Gil, SP Laptenok, JB French, JN Iuliano, A Lukacs, CR Hall, IV Sazanovich, GM Greetham, A Bacher, B Illarionov, M Fischer, PJ Tonge, and SR Meech, J. Phys. Chem. B
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    Frontispiece: Metal Complexes for Two-Photon Photodynamic Therapy: A Cyclometallated Iridium Complex Induces Two-Photon Photosensitization of Cancer Cells under Near-IR Light
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    Stabilising the lowest energy charge-separated state in a {metal chromophore - fullerene} assembly: a tuneable panchromatic absorbing donor-acceptor triad
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    Computing infrared spectra of proteins using the exciton model
    FS Husseini, D Robinson, NT Hunt, AW Parker, and JD Hirst, J. Comput. Chem.
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    Photoinduced energy- and electron-transfer from a photoactive coordination cage to bound guests
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    Photochemistry of framework-supported M(diimine)(CO)3X complexes in three-dimensional lithium carboxylate metal-organic frameworks: monitoring the effect of framework cations
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    Probing photochemically and thermally induced isomerization reactions in α-pyrone
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    Long-range vibrational dynamics are directed by Watson-Crick base pairing in duplex DNA
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    Can aliphatic anchoring groups be utilised with dyes for p-type dye sensitized solar cells?
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    Photodynamic killing of cancer cells by a Platinum(II) complex with cyclometallating ligand
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    A 100 kHz time-resolved multiple-probe femtosecond to second infrared absorption spectrometer
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    Long-lived excited state dynamics of i-motif structures probed by time-resolved infrared spectroscopy
    PM Keane, SP Gurung, FR Baptista, SJ Devereux, IV Sazanovich, M Towrie, JA Braizer, CC Cardin, JM Kelly, and SJ Quinn, ChemPhysChem, vol. 17, no. 9, pp. 1281-1287
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    Direct observation by time-resolved infrared spectroscopy of the bright and the dark excited states of the [Ru(phen)2(dppz)]2+ light-switch compound in solution and when bound to DNA
    FE Poynton, JP Hall, PM Keane, C Schwarz, IV Sazanovich, M Towrie, T Gunnlaugsson, CJ Cardin, DJ Cardin, SJ Quinn, C Long, and JM Kelly, Chem. Sci., vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 3075-3018
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    Broadband near-field infrared spectromicroscopy using photothermal probes and synchrotron radiation
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    Contrasting ring-opening propensities in UV-excited α-pyrone and coumarin
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    Mechanism of the AppABLUF photocycle probed by site-specific incorporation of fluorotyrosine residues: Effect of the Y21 pKa on the forward and reverse ground-state reactions
    AA Gil, A Haigney, SP Laptenok, R Brust, A Lukacs, JN Iuliano, J Jeng, EH Melief, R Zhao, E Yoon, IP Clark, M Towrie, GM Greetham, A Ng, JJ Truglio, JB French, SR Meech, and PJ Tonge, J. Am. Chem. Soc., vol. 138, no. 3, pp. 926-935
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    Synthesis and photophysical study of a [NiFe] hydrogenase biomimetic compound covalently linked to a Re-diimine photosensitizer
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    UV-induced isomerization dynamics of N-methyl-2-pyridone in solution
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    Excited-state charge separation in the photochemical mechanism of the light-driven enzyme protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase
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    Vibrational excitation of both products of the reaction of CN radicals with acetone in solution
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    Solvent response to fluorine-atom reaction dynamics in liquid acetonitrile
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    Electronic excited states of tungsten(0) arylisocyanides
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    Calculating singlet excited states: Comparison with fast time-resolved infrared spectroscopy of coumarins
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    On the mechanism of vibrational control of light-induced charge transfer in donor-bridge-acceptor assemblies
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    Enantiomeric conformation controls rate and yield of photoinduced electron transfer in DNA sensitized by Ru(II) dipyridophenazine complexes
    PM Keane, FE Poynton, JP Hall, IP Clark, IV Sazanovich, M Towrie, T Gunnlaugsson, SJ Quinn, CJ Cardin, and JM Kelly, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 734-738
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    The effect on structural and solvent water molecules of substrate binding to ferric horseradish peroxidase
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    Vibrational relaxation and microsolvation of DF after F-atom reactions in polar solvents
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    Exploring excited states of Pt(II) diimine catecholates for photoinduced charge separation
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    Electron transfer quenching in light adapted and mutant forms of the AppABLUF domain
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    Slow-motion camera for chemical reactions
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    Ultrafast infrared spectroscopy reveals water-mediated coherent dynamics in an enzyme active site
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    Recombination, solvation and reaction of CN radicals following ultraviolet photolysis of ICN in organic solvents
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    Reaction dynamics of CN radicals in acetonitrile solutions
    D Koyama, P Coulter, MP Grubb, GM Greetham, IP Clark, and AJ Orr-Ewing, J. Phys. Chem. A, vol. 119, no. 52, pp. 12924-12934
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    Reversal of a single base-pair step controls guanine photo-oxidation by an intercalating ruthenium(II) dipyridophenazine complex
    PM Keane, FE Poynton, JP Hall, IV Sazanovich, M Towrie, T Gunnlaugsson, SJ Quinn, CJ Cardin, and JM Kelly, Angew. Chemie, vol. 127, no. 29, pp. 8484-8488
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    Multidimensional infrared spectroscopy reveals the vibrational and solvation dynamics of isoniazid
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    Monitoring one-electron photo-oxidation of guanine in DNA crystals using ultrafast infrared spectroscopy
    JP Hall, FE Poynton, PM Keane, SP Gurung, JA Brazier, DJ Cardin, G Winter, T Gunnlaugsson, IV Sazanovich, M Towrie, CJ Cardin, JM Kelly, and SJ Quinn, Nat. Chem., vol. 7, no. 12, pp. 961-967
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    Probing and exploiting the interplay between nuclear and electronic motion in charge-transfer processes
    M Delor, IV Sazanovich, M Towrie, and JA Weinstein, Acc. Chem. Res., vol. 48, no. 4, pp. 1131-1139
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    Complete proton transfer cycle in GFP and its T203V and S205V mutants
    SP Laptenok, A Lukacs, A Gil, R Brust, IV Sazanovich, GM Greetham, PJ Tonge, and SR Meech, Angew. Chemie, vol. 127, no. 32, pp. 9435-9439
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    Vibrational energy transfer dynamics in ruthenium polypyridine transition metal complexes
    M Fedoseeva, M Delor, SC Parker, IV Sazanovich, M Towrie, AW Parker, and JA Weinstein, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 1688-1696
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    Solvent-controlled excited state relaxation path of 4-acetyl-4'-(dimethylamino)biphenyl
    J Dobkowski, M Kijak, IV Sazanovich, and J Waluk, J. Phys. Chem. B, vol. 119, no. 24, pp. 7294-7307
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    Monitoring guanine photo-oxidation by enantiomerically resolved Ru(II) dipyridophenazine complexes using inosine-substituted oligonucleotides
    PM Keane, FE Poynton, JP Hall, IP Clark, IV Sazanovich, M Towrie, T Gunnlaugsson, SJ Quinn, CJ Cardin, and JM Kelly, Faraday Discuss., vol. 185, pp. 455-469
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    Ultrafast charge-transfer dynamics in supramolecular Pt(II) donor-bridge-acceptor assemblies: the effect of vibronic coupling
    PA Scattergood, M Delor, IV Sazanovich, M Towrie, and JA Weinstein, Faraday Discuss., vol. 185, pp. 69-86
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    Directly interrogating single quantum dot labelled UvrA2 molecules on DNA tightropes using an optically trapped nanoprobe
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    Electron-transfer acceleration investigated by time-resolved infrared spectroscopy
    A Vlcek, H Kvapilova, M Towrie, and S Zalis, Acc. Chem. Res., vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 868-876
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    Dynamics of bimolecular reactions in solution
    AJ Orr-Ewing, Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem., vol. 66, no. 1, pp. 119-141
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    BLUF domain function does not require a metastable radical intermediate state
    A Lukacs, R Brust, A Haigney, SP Laptenok, K Addison, A Gil, M Towrie, GM Greetham, PJ Tonge, and SR Meech, J. Am. Chem. Soc., vol. 136, no. 12, pp. 4605-4615
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    Comprehensive analysis of the green-to-blue photoconversion of full-length cyanobacteriochrome Tlr0924
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    Controlled CO release using photochemical, thermal and electrochemical approaches from the amino carbene complex [(CO)5CrC(NC4H8)CH3]
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    Direct observation of ultrafast long-range charge separation at polymer-fullerene heterojunctions
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    Dual charge-transfer in rhenium(I) thioether substituted hexaazanaphthalene complexes
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    Dynamics of ground and excited state vibrational relaxation and energy transfer in transition metal carbonyls
    M Delor, IV Sazanovich, M Towrie, SJ Spall, T Keane, AJ Blake, C Wilson, AJHM Meijer, and JA Weinstein, J. Phys. Chem. B, vol. 118, no. 40, pp. 11781-11791
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    Dynamics of photodissociation of XeF2 in organic solvents
    GT Dunning, TJ Preston, AJ Orr-Ewing, SJ Greaves, GM Greetham, IP Clark, and M Towrie, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., vol. 16, no. 30, pp. 16095-16102
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    Electrochemistry, chemical reactivity, and time-resolved infrared spectroscopy of donor-acceptor systems [(Qx)Pt(papy)] (Q = substituted o-quinone or o-iminoquinone; pap = phenylazopyridine)
    N Deibel, D Schweinfurth, S Hohloch, M Delor, IV Sazanovich, M Towrie, JA Weinstein, and B Sarkar, Inorg. Chem., vol. 53, no. 2, pp. 1021-1031
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    Electron transfer dynamics and excited state branching in a charge-transfer platinum(II) donor-bridge-acceptor assembly
    PA Scattergood, M Delor, IV Sazanovich, OV Bouganov, SA Tikhomirov, AS Stasheuski, AW Parker, GM Greetham, M Towrie, ES Davies, AJHM Meijer, and JA Weinstein, Dalt. Trans., vol. 43, no. 47, pp. 17677-17693
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    Excited state evolution towards ligand loss and ligand chelation at group 6 metal carbonyl centres
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    Long-lived excited states in i-motif DNA studied by picosecond time-resolved IR spectroscopy
    PM Keane, M Wojdyla, GW Doorley, JM Kelly, AW Parker, IP Clark, GM Greetham, M Towrie, LM Magno, and SJ Quinn, Chem. Commun., vol. 50, no. 23, pp. 2990-2992
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    Perspective: Bimolecular chemical reaction dynamics in liquids
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    Photophysics of threaded sp-carbon chains: The polyyne is a sink for singlet and triplet excitation
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    Picosecond time-resolved infrared spectroscopy of rhodium and iridium azides
    P Portius, AJHM Meijer, M Towrie, BF Crozier, and I Schiager, Dalt. Trans., vol. 43, no. 47, pp. 17694-17702
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    Red-absorbing cationic acceptor dyes for photocathodes in tandem solar cells
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    Spectroscopy and fluorescence lifetime imaging in live cells of a cyano-substituted combretastatin
    KM Scherer, RH Bisby, SW Botchway, and GM Greetham, Biomed. Spectrosc. Imaging, vol. 3, pp. 211-218
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    Steady-state and pseudo-steady-state photocrystallographic studies on linkage isomers of [Ni(Et4dien)(η2-O,ON)(η1-NO2)]: identification of a new linkage isomer.
    LE Hatcher, J Christensen, ML Hamilton, J Trincao, DR Allan, MR Warren, IP Clark, M Towrie, S Fuertes, CC Wilson, CH Woodall, and PR Raithby, Chemistry, vol. 20, no. 11, pp. 3128-34
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    Study of picosecond processes of an intercalated dipyridophenazine Cr(III) complex bound to defined sequence DNAs using transient absorption and time-resolved infrared methods
    SJ Devereux, PM Keane, S Vasudevan, IV Sazanovich, M Towrie, Q Cao, X-Z Sun, MW George, CJ Cardin, NAP Kane-Maguire, JM Kelly, and SJ Quinn, Dalt. Trans., vol. 43, no. 47, pp. 17606-17609
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    The photoinitiated reaction pathway of full-length cyanobacteriochrome Tlr0924 monitored over 12 orders of magnitude
    AFE Hauck, SJO Hardman, RJ Kutta, GM Greetham, DJ Heyes, and NS Scrutton, J. Biol. Chem., vol. 289, no. 25, pp. 17747-17757
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    Toward control of electron transfer in donor-acceptor molecules by bond-specific infrared excitation
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    Tracking a Paternò-Büchi reaction in real time using transient electronic and vibrational spectroscopies
    SJ Harris, D Murdock, MP Grubb, IP Clark, GM Greetham, M Towrie, and MNR Ashfold, J. Phys. Chem. A, vol. 118, no. 44, pp. 10240-10245
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    Transient 2D-IR spectroscopy of inorganic excited states
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    Transient electronic and vibrational absorption studies of the photo-Claisen and photo-Fries rearrangements
    SJ Harris, D Murdock, MP Grubb, GM Greetham, IP Clark, M Towrie, and MNR Ashfold, Chem. Sci., vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 707-714
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    Ultrafast photoinduced charge transport in Pt(II) donor-acceptor assembly bearing naphthalimide electron acceptor and phenothiazine electron donor
    IV Sazanovich, J Best, PA Scattergood, M Towrie, SA Tikhomirov, OV Bouganov, AJHM Meijer, and JA Weinstein, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., vol. 16, no. 47, pp. 25775-25788
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    Ultrafast structural dynamics of BlsA, a photoreceptor from the pathogenic bacterium Acinetobacter baumannii
    R Brust, A Haigney, A Lukacs, A Gil, S Hossain, K Addison, C Lai, M Towrie, GM Greetham, IP Clark, B Illarionov, A Bacher, R Kim, M Fischer, C Simmerling, SR Meech, and PJ Tonge, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 220-224
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    Ultrafast vibrational spectroscopic studies on the photoionization of the α-Tocopherol analogue Trolox C
    AW Parker, RH Bisby, GM Greetham, P Kukura, KM Scherer, and M Towrie, J. Phys. Chem. B, vol. 118, no. 42, pp. 12087-12097
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    Photoisomerization and photoinduced reactions in liquid CCl4 and CHCl3
    F Abou-Chahine, TJ Preston, GT Dunning, AJ Orr-Ewing, GM Greetham, IP Clark, M Towrie, and SA Reid, J. Phys. Chem. A, vol. 117, no. 50, pp. 13388-13398
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    Proteins in action: Femtosecond to millisecond structural dynamics of a photoactive flavoprotein
    R Brust, A Lukacs, A Haigney, K Addison, A Gil, M Towrie, IP Clark, GM Greetham, PJ Tonge, and SR Meech, J. Am. Chem. Soc., vol. 135, no. 43, pp. 16168-16174
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    Waveguide-enhanced 2D-IR spectroscopy in the gas phase
    GM Greetham, IP Clark, D Weidmann, MNR Ashfold, AJ Orr-Ewing, and M Towrie, Opt. Lett., vol. 38, no. 18, p. 3596
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    Material profiling for photocrystallography: Relating single-crystal photophysical and structural properties of luminescent bis-cyclometalated iridium-based complexes
    JM Cole, KF Bowes, IP Clark, KS Low, A Zeidler, AW Parker, IR Laskar, and T-M Chen, Cryst. Growth Des., vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 1826-1837
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    Comparing molecular photofragmentation dynamics in the gas and liquid phases.
    SJ Harris, D Murdock, Y Zhang, TAA Oliver, MP Grubb, AJ Orr-Ewing, GM Greetham, IP Clark, M Towrie, SE Bradforth, and MNR Ashfold, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., vol. 15, no. 18, pp. 6567-6582
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    Efficient quenching of TGA-capped CdTe quantum dot emission by a surface-coordinated europium(III) cyclen complex
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    Tryptophan-accelerated electron flow across a protein-protein interface
    K Takematsu, H Williamson, AM Blanco-Rodriguez, L Sokolova, P Nikolovski, JT Kaiser, M Towrie, IP Clark, A Vlcek, JR Winkler, and HB Gray, J. Am. Chem. Soc., vol. 135, no. 41, pp. 15515-25
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    Vibrationally resolved dynamics of the reaction of Cl atoms with 2,3-dimethylbut-2-ene in chlorinated solvents
    F Abou-Chahine, SJ Greaves, GT Dunning, AJ Orr-Ewing, GM Greetham, IP Clark, and M Towrie, Chem. Sci., vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 226-237
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    Infrared spectroscopy of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotides in one and two dimensions
    N Simpson, DJ Shaw, PWJM Frederix, AH Gillies, K Adamczyk, GM Greetham, M Towrie, AW Parker, PA Hoskisson, and NT Hunt, J. Phys. Chem. B, vol. 117, no. 51, pp. 16468-16478
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    Dinitrogen release from arylpentazole: A picosecond time-resolved infrared, spectroelectrochemical, and DFT computational study
    P Portius, M Davis, R Campbell, F Hartl, Q Zeng, AJHM Meijer, and M Towrie, J. Phys. Chem. A, vol. 117, no. 48, pp. 12759-12769
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    Modulation of ligand-heme reactivity by binding pocket residues demonstrated in cytochrome c' over the femtosecond-second temporal range
    HJ Russell, SJO Hardman, DJ Heyes, MA Hough, GM Greetham, M Towrie, S Hay, and NS Scrutton, FEBS J., vol. 280, no. 23, pp. 6070-6082
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    A structural and dynamic investigation of the inhibition of catalase by nitric oxide
    M Candelaresi, A Gumiero, K Adamczyk, K Robb, C Bellota-Anton, V Sangal, J Munnoch, GM Greetham, M Towrie, PA Hoskisson, AW Parker, NP Tucker, MA Walsh, and NT Hunt, Org. Biomol. Chem., vol. 11, no. 44, p. 7778
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    Protein photochromism observed by ultrafast vibrational spectroscopy
    A Lukacs, A Haigney, R Brust, K Addison, M Towrie, GM Greetham, GA Jones, A Miyawaki, PJ Tonge, and SR Meech, J. Phys. Chem. B, vol. 117, no. 40, pp. 11954-11959
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    Photoinduced charge separation in a PtII acetylide donor-acceptor triad based on 2-(1-pyrazole)-pyridine modified with naphthalene mono-imide electron acceptor
    IV Sazanovich, MAH Alamiry, AJHM Meijer, M Towrie, ES Davies, RD Bennett, and JA Weinstein, Pure Appl. Chem., vol. 85, no. 7, pp. 1331-1348
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    Tracking DNA excited states by picosecond-time-resolved infrared spectroscopy: Signature band for a charge-transfer excited state in stacked adenine-thymine systems
    GW Doorley, M Wojdyla, GW Watson, M Towrie, AW Parker, JM Kelly, and SJ Quinn, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., vol. 4, no. 16, pp. 2739-2744
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    Time-resolved multiple probe spectroscopy
    GM Greetham, D Sole, IP Clark, AW Parker, MR Pollard, and M Towrie, Rev. Sci. Instrum., vol. 83, no. 10, p. 103107
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    Picosecond to millisecond transient absorption spectroscopy of broad-band emitting chiral CdSe quantum dots
    M Wojdyla, SA Gallagher, MP Moloney, YK Gun'ko, JM Kelly, LM Magno, SJ Quinn, IP Clark, GM Greetham, and M Towrie, J. Phys. Chem. C, vol. 116, no. 30, pp. 16226-16232
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    Photochemistry of (η6-anisole)Cr(CO)3 and (η6-thioanisole)Cr(CO)3: Evidence for a photoinduced haptotropic shift of the thioanisole ligand, a picosecond time-resolved infrared spectroscopy and density functional theory investigation
    IP Clark, MW George, GM Greetham, EC Harvey, C Long, JC Manton, H McArdle, and MT Pryce, J. Phys. Chem. A, vol. 116, no. 3, pp. 962-969
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    Photofragmentation dynamics in solution probed by transient IR absorption spectroscopy: πσ*-mediated bond cleavage in p-methylthiophenol and p-methylthioanisole
    D Murdock, SJ Harris, TN V Karsili, GM Greetham, IP Clark, M Towrie, AJ Orr-Ewing, and MNR Ashfold, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., vol. 3, no. 24, pp. 3715-3720
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    Vibrational assignment of the ultrafast infrared spectrum of the photoactivatable flavoprotein AppA
    A Haigney, A Lukacs, R Brust, R-K Zhao, M Towrie, GM Greetham, I Clark, B Illarionov, A Bacher, R-R Kim, M Fischer, SR Meech, and PJ Tonge, J. Phys. Chem. B, vol. 116, no. 35, pp. 10722-10729
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    Ultrafast IR spectroscopy of polymeric cytosine nucleic acids reveal the long-lived species is due to a localised state
    PM Keane, M Wojdyla, GW Doorley, JM Kelly, IP Clark, AW Parker, GM Greetham, M Towrie, LM Magno, and SJ Quinn, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., vol. 14, no. 18, p. 6307
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    Reaction dynamics of CN radicals with tetrahydrofuran in liquid solutions
    RA Rose, SJ Greaves, F Abou-Chahine, DR Glowacki, TAA Oliver, MNR Ashfold, IP Clark, GM Greetham, M Towrie, and AJ Orr-Ewing, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., vol. 14, no. 30, p. 10424
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    Photophysical studies of CdTe quantum dots in the presence of a zinc cationic porphyrin
    PM Keane, S a Gallagher, LM Magno, MJ Leising, IP Clark, GM Greetham, M Towrie, YK Gun'ko, JM Kelly, and SJ Quinn, Dalt. Trans., vol. 41, no. 42, p. 13159
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    Ultrafast chemical physics: In search of molecular movies
    JA Weinstein, and NT Hunt, Nat. Chem., vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 157-158
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    Protein motions are coupled to the reaction chemistry in coenzyme B12 -dependent ethanolamine ammonia lyase
    HJ Russell, AR Jones, S Hay, GM Greetham, M Towrie, and NS Scrutton, Angew. Chemie Int. Ed., vol. 51, no. 37, pp. 9306-9310
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    Measuring protein dynamics with ultrafast two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy
    K Adamczyk, M Candelaresi, K Robb, A Gumiero, MA Walsh, AW Parker, PA Hoskisson, NP Tucker, and NT Hunt, Meas. Sci. Technol., vol. 23, no. 6, p. 062001
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    Ultrafast infrared spectral fingerprints of vitamin B12 and related cobalamins
    AR Jones, HJ Russell, GM Greetham, M Towrie, S Hay, and NS Scrutton, J. Phys. Chem. A, vol. 116, no. 23, pp. 5586-5594
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    Excited state structure and dynamics of the neutral and anionic flavin radical revealed by ultrafast transient mid-IR to visible spectroscopy
    A Lukacs, R-K Zhao, A Haigney, R Brust, GM Greetham, M Towrie, PJ Tonge, and SR Meech, J. Phys. Chem. B, vol. 116, no. 20, pp. 5810-5818
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    The effect of point mutation on the equilibrium structural fluctuations of ferric Myoglobin
    K Adamczyk, M Candelaresi, R Kania, K Robb, C Bellota-Anton, GM Greetham, MR Pollard, M Towrie, AW Parker, PA Hoskisson, NP Tucker, and NT Hunt, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., vol. 14, no. 20, p. 7411
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    Time-resolved nanosecond fluorescence lifetime imaging and picosecond infrared spectroscopy of combretastatin A-4 in solution and in cellular systems
    RH Bisby, SW Botchway, GM Greetham, JA Hadfield, AT McGown, AW Parker, KM Scherer, and M Towrie, Meas. Sci. Technol., vol. 23, no. 8, p. 084001
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    Synthesis and photophysical evaluation of a pyridinium 4-amino-1,8-naphthalimide derivative that upon intercalation displays preference for AT-rich double-stranded DNA
    S Banerjee, JA Kitchen, T Gunnlaugsson, and JM Kelly, Org. Biomol. Chem., vol. 10, no. 15, p. 3033
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    Ultrafast intramolecular charge separation in a donor-acceptor assembly comprising bis(η5-cyclopentadienyl)molybdenum coordinated to an ene-1,2-dithiolate-naphthalenetetracarboxylicdiimide ligand
    AJ Taylor, ES Davies, JA Weinstein, IV Sazanovich, OV Bouganov, SA Tikhomirov, M Towrie, J McMaster, and CD Garner, Inorg. Chem., vol. 51, no. 24, pp. 13181-13194
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    A comparative picosecond transient infrared study of 1-methylcytosine and 5'-dCMP that sheds further light on the excited states of cytosine derivatives
    PM Keane, M Wojdyla, GW Doorley, GW Watson, IP Clark, GM Greetham, AW Parker, M Towrie, JM Kelly, and SJ Quinn, J. Am. Chem. Soc., vol. 133, no. 42, pp. 4212-4215
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    Vibrationally quantum-state-specific reaction dynamics of H atom abstraction by CN radical in solution
    SJ Greaves, RA Rose, TAA Oliver, DR Glowacki, MNR Ashfold, JN Harvey, IP Clark, GM Greetham, AW Parker, M Towrie, and AJ Orr-Ewing, Science (80-. )., vol. 331, no. 6023, pp. 1423-1426
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    Vibrationally quantum-state-specific dynamics of the reactions of CN radicals with organic molecules in solution
    RA Rose, SJ Greaves, TAA Oliver, IP Clark, GM Greetham, AW Parker, M Towrie, and AJ Orr-Ewing, J. Chem. Phys., vol. 134, no. 24, p. 244503
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    Ultrafast excited-state dynamics of rhenium(I) photosensitizers [Re(Cl)(CO)3(N,N)] and [Re(imidazole)(CO)3(N,N)]+ : Diimine effects
    A El Nahhas, C Consani, AM Blanco-Rodríguez, KM Lancaster, O Braem, A Cannizzo, M Towrie, IP Clark, S Zalis, M Chergui, and A Vlcek, Inorg. Chem., vol. 50, no. 7, pp. 2932-2943
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    Photochemistry of (η6-arene)Cr(CO)3 (arene = methylbenzoate, naphthalene, or phenanthrene) in n-heptane solution: Population of two excited states following 400 nm excitation as detected by picosecond time-resolved infrared spectroscopy
    IP Clark, MW George, GM Greetham, EC Harvey, C Long, JC Manton, and MT Pryce, J. Phys. Chem. A, vol. 115, no. 14, pp. 2985-2993
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    Ultrafast infrared spectroscopy of an isotope-labeled photoactivatable flavoprotein
    A Haigney, A Lukacs, R-K Zhao, AL Stelling, R Brust, R-R Kim, M Kondo, I Clark, M Towrie, GM Greetham, B Illarionov, A Bacher, W Romisch-Margl, M Fischer, SR Meech, and PJ Tonge, Biochemistry, vol. 50, no. 8, pp. 1321-1328
    DOI: 10.1021/bi101589a

    Charge photoinjection in intercalated and covalently bound [Re(CO)3(dppz)(py)]+ -DNA constructs monitored by time-resolved visible and infrared spectroscopy
    ED Olmon, PA Sontz, AM Blanco-Rodriguez, M Towrie, IP Clark, A Vlcek, and JK Barton, J. Am. Chem. Soc., vol. 133, no. 34, pp. 13718-13730
    DOI: 10.1021/ja205568r

    Phototriggering electron flow through ReI-modified Pseudomonas aeruginosa azurins
    AM Blanco-Rodriguez, AJ Di Bilio, C Shih, AK Museth, IP Clark, M Towrie, A Cannizzo, J Sudhamsu, BR Crane, J Sykora, JR Winkler, HB Gray, S Zalis, and A Vlcek, Chem. - A Eur. J., vol. 17, no. 19, pp. 5350-5361
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    Photoexcitation of the blue light using FAD photoreceptor AppA results in ultrafast changes to the protein matrix
    A Lukacs, A Haigney, R Brust, R-K Zhao, AL Stelling, IP Clark, M Towrie, GM Greetham, SR Meech, and PJ Tonge, J. Am. Chem. Soc., vol. 133, no. 42, pp. 16893-16900
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    Time-resolved resonance Raman spectroscopy: Exploring reactive intermediates
    SK Sahoo, S Umapathy, and AW Parker, Appl. Spectrosc., vol. 65, no. 10, pp. 1087-1115
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    Ultrafast transient mid IR to visible spectroscopy of fully reduced flavins
    R-K Zhao, A Lukacs, A Haigney, R Brust, GM Greetham, M Towrie, PJ Tonge, and SR Meech, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., vol. 13, no. 39, p. 17642
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    Relationship between protein structural fluctuations and rebinding dynamics in ferric haem nitrosyls
    NT Hunt, GM Greetham, M Towrie, AW Parker, and NP Tucker, Biochem. J., vol. 433, no. 3, pp. 459-468
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    The role of CN and CO ligands in the vibrational relaxation dynamics of model compounds of the [FeFe]-hydrogenase enzyme
    S Kaziannis, JA Wright, M Candelaresi, R Kania, GM Greetham, AW Parker, CJ Pickett, and NT Hunt, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., vol. 13, no. 21, p. 10295
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    Spectroscopic analysis of protein Fe-NO complexes
    C Bellota-Anton, J Munnoch, K Robb, K Adamczyk, M Candelaresi, AW Parker, R Dixon, MI Hutchings, NT Hunt, and NP Tucker, Biochem. Soc. Trans., vol. 39, no. 5, pp. 1293-1298
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    Photoinduced intramolecular tryptophan oxidation and excited-state behavior of [Re(L-AA)(CO)3 (α-diimine)]+ (L = pyridine or imidazole, AA = tryptophan, tyrosine, phenylalanine)
    AM Blanco-Rodriguez, M Towrie, J Sykora, S Zalis, and A Vlcek, Inorg. Chem., vol. 50, no. 13, pp. 6122-6134
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    Combined experimental and theoretical investigation into C-H activation of cyclic alkanes by Cp'Rh(CO)2 (Cp' = η5-C5H5 or η5-C5Me5)
    MW George, MB Hall, P Portius, AL Renz, X-Z Sun, M Towrie, and X Yang, Dalt. Trans., vol. 40, no. 8, p. 1751
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    Ultrafast energy flow in the wake of solution-phase bimolecular reactions
    DR Glowacki, RA Rose, SJ Greaves, AJ Orr-Ewing, and JN Harvey, Nat. Chem., vol. 3, no. 11, pp. 850-855
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    Chemical reaction dynamics in liquid solutions
    AJ Orr-Ewing, DR Glowacki, SJ Greaves, and RA Rose, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., vol. 2, no. 10, pp. 1139-1144
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    Product energy deposition of CN + alkane H abstraction reactions in gas and solution phases
    DR Glowacki, AJ Orr-Ewing, and JN Harvey, J. Chem. Phys., vol. 134, no. 21, p. 214508
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    Excited state dynamics and activation parameters of remarkably slow photoinduced CO loss from (η6-benzene)Cr(CO)3 in n-heptane solution: A DFT and picosecond-time-resolved infrared study
    IP Clark, MW George, GM Greetham, EC Harvey, C Long, JC Manton, and MT Pryce, J. Phys. Chem. A, vol. 114, no. 43, pp. 11425-11431
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    ULTRA: A unique instrument for time-resolved spectroscopy
    GM Greetham, P Burgos, Q Cao, IP Clark, PS Codd, RC Farrow, MW George, M Kogimtzis, P Matousek, AW Parker, MR Pollard, DA Robinson, Z-J Xin, and M Towrie, Appl. Spectrosc., vol. 64, no. 12, pp. 1311-1319
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    Investigating the vibrational dynamics of a 17e- metallocarbonyl intermediate using ultrafast two dimensional infrared spectroscopy
    R Kania, AI Stewart, IP Clark, GM Greetham, AW Parker, M Towrie, and NT Hunt, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 1051-1063
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    Temporal and spatial resolution in transmission Raman spectroscopy
    N Everall, P Matousek, N MacLeod, KL Ronayne, and IP Clark, Appl. Spectrosc., vol. 64, no. 1, pp. 52-60
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    Femtosecond to microsecond photochemistry of a [FeFe]hydrogenase enzyme model compound
    S Kaziannis, S Santabarbara, JA Wright, GM Greetham, M Towrie, AW Parker, CJ Pickett, and NT Hunt, J. Phys. Chem. B, vol. 114, no. 46, pp. 15370-15379
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    Determination of the photolysis products of [FeFe]hydrogenase enzyme model systems using ultrafast multidimensional infrared spectroscopy
    AI Stewart, JA Wright, GM Greetham, S Kaziannis, S Santabarbara, M Towrie, AW Parker, CJ Pickett, and NT Hunt, Inorg. Chem., vol. 49, no. 20, pp. 9563-9573
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    Understanding the factors affecting the activation of alkane by Cp'Rh(CO)2 (Cp' = Cp or Cp*)
    MW George, MB Hall, OS Jina, P Portius, X-Z Sun, M Towrie, H Wu, X Yang, and SD Zaric, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., vol. 107, no. 47, pp. 20178-20183
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    Structure and ultrafast dynamics of the charge-transfer excited state and redox activity of the ground state of mono- and binuclear platinum(II) diimine catecholate and bis-catecholate complexes: A transient absorption, TRIR, DFT, and electrochemical study
    J Best, IV Sazanovich, H Adams, RD Bennett, ES Davies, AJHM Meijer, M Towrie, SA Tikhomirov, OV Bouganov, MD Ward, and JA Weinstein, Inorg. Chem., vol. 49, no. 21, pp. 10041-10056
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    Infrared characterization of the guanine radical cation: Finger printing DNA damage
    AW Parker, CY Lin, MW George, M Towrie, and MK Kuimova, J. Phys. Chem. B, vol. 114, no. 10, pp. 3660-3667
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    Optically trapped probes with nanometer-scale tips for femto-Newton force measurement
    MR Pollard, SW Botchway, B Chichkov, E Freeman, RNJ Halsall, DWK Jenkins, I Loader, A Ovsianikov, AW Parker, R Stevens, R Turchetta, AD Ward, and M Towrie, New J. Phys., vol. 12, no. 11, p. 113056
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    Ultrafast excited-state processes in Re(I) carbonyl-diimine complexes: From excitation to photochemistry
    A Vlcek, Topics in Organometallic Chemistry, AJ Lees, Ed. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009
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    Mid-infrared picosecond pump-dump-probe and pump-repump-probe experiments to resolve a ground-state intermediate in cyanobacterial phytochrome Cph1
    LJGW van Wilderen, IP Clark, M Towrie, and JJ van Thor, J. Phys. Chem. B, vol. 113, no. 51, pp. 16354-16364
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    2D-IR spectroscopy: ultrafast insights into biomolecule structure and function
    NT Hunt, Chem. Soc. Rev., vol. 38, no. 7, p. 1837
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    Excited state reactions in fluorescent proteins
    SR Meech, Chem. Soc. Rev., vol. 38, no. 10, p. 2922
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    ps-TRIR covers all the bases - recent advances in the use of transient IR for the detection of short-lived species in nucleic acids
    M Towrie, GW Doorley, MW George, AW Parker, SJ Quinn, and JM Kelly, Analyst, vol. 134, no. 7, p. 1265
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    A study of the pH dependence of electronically excited guanosine compounds by picosecond time-resolved infrared spectroscopy
    DA McGovern, GW Doorley, AM Whelan, AW Parker, M Towrie, JM Kelly, and SJ Quinn, Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., vol. 8, no. 4, p. 542
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    A time-resolved vibrational spectroscopy study on adenine/thymine based nucleic acid systems
    S Quinn, GW Doorley, DA McGovern, AW Parker, KL Ronayne, M Towrie, and JM Kelly, in "Ultrafast Phenomena XVI" P Corkum, S Silvestri, KA Nelson, E Riedle, RW Schoenlein Ed. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009
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    Luminescence and time-resolved infrared study of dyads containing (diimine)Ru(4,4'-diethylamido-2,2'-bipyridine)2 and (diimine)Ru(CN)4 moieties: Solvent-induced reversal of the direction of photoinduced energy-transfer
    TL Easun, WZ Alsindi, N Deppermann, M Towrie, KL Ronayne, X-Z Sun, MD Ward, and MW George, Inorg. Chem., vol. 48, no. 18, pp. 8759-8770
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    Unusually slow photodissociation of CO from (η6-C6H6)Cr(CO)3 (M = Cr or Mo): A time-resolved infrared, matrix isolation, and DFT investigation
    MAH Alamiry, NM Boyle, CM Brookes, MW George, C Long, P Portius, MT Pryce, KL Ronayne, X-Z Sun, M Towrie, and KQ Vuong, Organometallics, vol. 28, no. 5, pp. 1461-1468
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    Relaxation dynamics of pseudomonas aeruginosa ReI(CO)3(α-diimine)(HisX)+ (X = 83,107,109,124,126)CuII azurins
    AM Blanco-Rodriguez, M Busby, K Ronayne, M Towrie, C Gradinaru, J Sudhamsu, J Sykora, M Hof, S Zalis, AJ Di Bilio, BR Crane, HB Gray, and A Vlcek, J. Am. Chem. Soc., vol. 131, no. 33, pp. 11788-11800
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    Excited-state relaxation dynamics of Re(I) tricarbonyl complexes with macrocyclic phenanthroline ligands studied by time-resolved IR spectroscopy
    AM Blanco-Rodriguez, M Towrie, J-P Collin, S Zalis, and AVlcek Jr., Dalt. Trans., no. 20, p. 3941
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    Spin-resolved two-photon photoemission on Fe77B16Si5 alloy
    CM Cacho, VR Dhanak, LB Jones, CJ Baily, KL Ronayne, M Towrie, C Binns, and EA Seddon, J. Electron Spectros. Relat. Phenomena, vol. 169, no. 2-3, pp. 62-66
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    A combined theoretical and experimental study on the role of spin states in the chemistry of Fe(CO)5 photoproducts
    M Besora, J-L Carreon-Macedo, AJ Cowan, MW George, JN Harvey, P Portius, KL Ronayne, X-Z Sun, and M Towrie, J. Am. Chem. Soc., vol. 131, no. 10, pp. 3583-3592
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    A Time-resolved infrared vibrational spectroscopic study of the photo-dynamics of crystalline materials
    M Towrie, AW Parker, KL Ronayne, KF Bowes, JM Cole, PR Raithby, and JE Warren, Appl. Spectrosc., vol. 63, no. 1, pp. 57-65
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    A CMOS image sensor with in-pixel ADC, timestamp, and sparse readout
    JP Crooks, SE Bohndiek, CD Arvanitis, R Speller, H XingLiang, EG Villani, M Towrie, and R Turchetta, IEEE Sens. J., vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 20-28
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    Dynamic position and force measurement for multiple optically trapped particles using a high-speed active pixel sensor
    M Towrie, SW Botchway, A Clark, E Freeman, R Halsall, AW Parker, M Prydderch, R Turchetta, AD Ward, and MR Pollard, Rev. Sci. Instrum., vol. 80, no. 10, p. 103704
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    Picosecond transient infrared study of the ultrafast deactivation processes of electronically excited B-DNA and Z-DNA forms of [poly(dG-dC)]2
    GW Doorley, DA McGovern, MW George, M Towrie, AW Parker, JM Kelly, and SJ Quinn, Angew. Chemie Int. Ed., vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 123-127
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    Structure and vibrational dynamics of model compounds of the [FeFe]-hydrogenase enzyme system via ultrafast two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy
    AI Stewart, IP Clark, M Towrie, SK Ibrahim, AW Parker, CJ Pickett, and NT Hunt, J. Phys. Chem. B, vol. 112, no. 32, pp. 10023-32
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    Ultrafast excited state dynamics controlling photochemical isomerization of N-methyl-4-[trans-2-(4-pyridyl)ethenyl]pyridinium coordinated to a {ReI(CO)3(2,2'-bipyridine)} chromophore
    M Busby, F Hartl, P Matousek, M Towrie, and A Vlcek, Chem. - A Eur. J., vol. 14, no. 23, pp. 6912-6923
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    Photooxidation of guanine by a ruthenium dipyridophenazine complex intercalated in a double-stranded polynucleotide monitored directly by picosecond visible and infrared transient absorption spectroscopy
    B Elias, C Creely, GW Doorley, MM Feeney, C Moucheron, A Kirsch-DeMesmaeker, J Dyer, DC Grills, MW George, P Matousek, AW Parker, M Towrie, and JM Kelly, Chem. - A Eur. J., vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 369-375
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    An alternate proton acceptor for excited-state proton transfer in green fluorescent protein: Rewiring GFP
    D Stoner-Ma, AA Jaye, KL Ronayne, J Nappa, SR Meech, and PJ Tonge, J. Am. Chem. Soc., vol. 130, no. 4, pp. 1227-1235
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    Probing the mechanism of carbon-hydrogen bond activation by photochemically generated hydridotris(pyrazolyl)borato carbonyl rhodium complexes: New experimental and theoretical investigations
    AJ Blake, MW George, MB Hall, J McMaster, P Portius, XZ Sun, M Towrie, CE Webster, C Wilson, and SD Zaric, Organometallics, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 189-201
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    Solvation-driven excited-state dynamics of [Re(4-Et-pyridine)(CO)3(2,2'-bipyridine)]+ in imidazolium ionic liquids. A time-resolved infrared and phosphorescence study
    AM Blanco-Rodriguez, KL Ronayne, S Zalis, J Sykora, M Hof, and A Vlcek, J. Phys. Chem. A, vol. 112, no. 16, pp. 3506-3514
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    Nanosecond CO photodissociation and excited-state character of [Ru(X)(X')(CO)2(N,N'-diisopropyl-1,4-diazabutadiene)] (X = X' = Cl or I; X = Me, X' = I; X = SnPh3 , X' = Cl) studied by time-resolved infrared spectroscopy and DFT calculations
    A Gabrielsson, M Towrie, S Zalis, and A Vlcek, Inorg. Chem., vol. 47, no. 10, pp. 4236-4242
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    Ultrafast electronic and vibrational dynamics of stabilized A state mutants of the green fluorescent protein (GFP): Snipping the proton wire
    D Stoner-Ma, AA Jaye, KL Ronayne, J Nappa, PJ Tonge, and SR Meech, Chem. Phys., vol. 350, no. 1-3, pp. 193-200
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    Tryptophan-accelerated electron flow through proteins
    C Shih, AK Museth, M Abrahamsson, AM Blanco-Rodriguez, AJ Di Bilio, J Sudhamsu, BR Crane, KL Ronayne, M Towrie, A Vlcek, JH Richards, JR Winkler, and HB Gray, Science (80-. )., vol. 320, no. 5884, pp. 1760-1762
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    Photoinduced energy transfer in a conformationally flexible Re(I)/Ru(II) dyad probed by time-resolved infrared spectroscopy: Effects of conformation and spatial localization of excited states
    TL Easun, WZ Alsindi, M Towrie, KL Ronayne, X-Z Sun, MD Ward, and MW George, Inorg. Chem., vol. 47, no. 12, pp. 5071-5078
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    Balance between ultrafast parallel reactions in the green fluorescent protein has a structural origin
    JJ van Thor, KL Ronayne, M Towrie, and JT Sage, Biophys. J., vol. 95, no. 4, pp. 1902-1912
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    Ultrafast excited state dynamics of Pt(II) chromophores bearing multiple infrared absorbers
    EA Glik, S Kinayyigit, KL Ronayne, M Towrie, IV Sazanovich, JA Weinstein, and FN Castellano, Inorg. Chem., vol. 47, no. 15, pp. 6974-6983
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    Photophysical properties of platinum(II)-acetylide complexes: the effect of a strongly electron-accepting diimine ligand on excited-state structure
    CJ Adams, N F​ey, ZA Harrison, IV Sazanovich, M Towrie, and JA Weinstein, Inorg. Chem., vol. 47, no. 18, pp. 8242-8257
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    Probing the solvent dependent photophysics of fac-[Re(CO)3(dppz-X2)Cl] (dppz-X2 = 11,12-X2-dipyrido[3,2-a:2',3'-c]phenazine); X = CH3, H, F, Cl, CF3)
    MK Kuimova, WZ Alsindi, AJ Blake, ES Davies, DJ Lampus, P Matousek, J McMaster, AW Parker, M Towrie, X-Z Sun, C Wilson, and MW George, Inorg. Chem., vol. 47, no. 21, pp. 9857-9869
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    Excited state dynamics of a PtII diimine complex bearing a naphthalene-diimide electron acceptor
    IV Sazanovich, MAH Alamiry, J Best, RD Bennett, OV Bouganov, ES Davies, VP Grivin, AJHM Meijer, VF Plyusnin, KL Ronayne, AH Shelton, SA Tikhomirov, M Towrie, and JA Weinstein, Inorg. Chem., vol. 47, no. 22, pp. 10432-10445
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    Ground- and excited-state infrared spectra of an azacrown-substituted [(bpy)Re(CO)3L]+ complex: Structure and bonding in ground and excited states and effects of Ba2+ binding
    JD Lewis, M Towrie, and JN Moore, J. Phys. Chem. A, vol. 112, no. 17, pp. 3852-3864
    DOI: 10.1021/jp711260d


    Contact: Greetham, Greg (STFC,RAL,CLF)