Terms and Conditions of Access to the CLF
24 Feb 2017



Principal Investigators submitting a proposal to the CLF are required to accept the following terms and conditions



“I certify that: 
  • The information about the experiment including ethical and safety aspects is correct and complete. 
  • I and the experimental team will abide by the STFC regulations, including those relating to safety and ethic​s. ​
  • I and the experimental team will complete the obligatory safety trai​ning​ before the start of the experiment. 
  • I will undertake to ensure that the beam time allocated to this experiment is used to optimum effect whenever it is available. 
  • I will submit an Experiment Report within 3 months of experiment completion.
  • ​I will publish my results giving proper credit to STFC staff and acknowledge the use of the CLF and send notification of publication to the relevant facility.
  • I will publish any peer-reviewed papers arising from this beam time in journals that are compliant with the UKRI policy on open access and make the data openly available in accordance with the UKRI data policy​​.
  • I agree that any personal information I provide can be processed in accordance with the UK Data Protection Act 2018 and the Freedom of Information Act 2000. 
  • The experiment will be conducted in accordance with the highest standards of scientific integrity and research methodology. 
  • As the Investigator submitting this proposal it is my duty to inform the experimental team of their responsibilities.”

​​Updates to terms and conditions:
Feb 2019 - updated links to go to UKRI policies on open access and open data. Changed UK Data Protection Act 1998 to 2018.
Feb 2017 - clarified that information about safety and ethics is required to be correct and complete for the whole experiment, not just the sample.
Feb 2017 - clarified need for compliance with RCUK policies on open access and open data.​