Artemis Facility Overview
04 Jun 2024



Overview of the Artemis lasers, beamlines and end-stations


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Engineering drawing of the Artemis facility


Artemis provides ultrafast ​laser sources, XUV beamlines and end-stations for atomic and molecular physics, condensed matter physics and imaging. ​​

Laser sources​

Artemis has two high repetition rate, high average power laser systems:

XUV beamlines

Artemis offers three XUV beamlines:


Artemis has a variety of vacuum end-stations, which can be used with XUV or laser pulses.

For ultrafast dynamics in condensed matter systems, the UHV end-stations are:

  • Time- and angle-resolved photoemission (TR-ARPES)​
  • Time- and spin-resolved time-of-flight (TR-spin-ToF)

For ultrafast dynamics in molecules​, the end-station has velocity-map imaging or electron time-of-flight detector and gas sources.

Applying for access

Artemis is an open access user facility, and we issue calls for proposals twice a year. If you would like to use Artemis, we recommend you first discuss the requirements for your experiment with Artemis staff.​

Contact: Springate, Emma (STFC,RAL,CLF)