About the event
On behalf of the Target Fabrication Workshop organising committee, we are pleased to announce the 8th Target Fabrication Workshop which will take place at Worcester College, University of Oxford.
This historic college was founded in 1714 and is located close to the centre of Oxford.
Oral and poster presentations are welcomed on the fast developing science and technology that underpins the field of microtarget fabrication with applications in high power laser science and related fields.
Abstract submissions and further booking information will follow shortly.
For any enquiries please contact: TFW8@stfc.ac.uk
Location & Dates
Worcester College
Walton Street
01865 278300
Monday 26th - Wednesday 28th September 2022
How to Register
Registration for this event is now closed.
Accommodation Booking Details for Worcester College
Worcester College offers B&B accomodation during vacation time, with breakfast included in the price.
Click here to book into the Worcester College B&B
Registration for this event has now closed.
Abstract Submission Form
Abstract submissions for this workshop are now closed.
Conference Agenda
To be held in the Sultan Nazrin Shah Lecture Theatre, Worcester College, Oxford
A downloadable version of the conference agenda is avilable here:
Agenda for 8th Target Fabrication Workshop.pdf

Sultan Nazrin Shah Lecture Theatre, Worcester College, Oxford