Gemini Target Areas
01 Dec 2009






Gemini operates two experimental areas supported by a team of scientists, engineers and designers. Beam and diagnostic layouts are flexible in order to deliver the best arrangement for each individual experiment. This is achieved by following a six month planning cycle allowing us to design and specify experimental requirements in consultation with the scientific team. Experiments are conducted from control rooms allowing researchers to collect data and monitor the progress of their experiments away from radiation and laser hazards.

Gemini Target Area 3

Gemini Target Area 3​ is the main target area with access to both Gemini beams (15J, 35fs) which can be focussed using f/20 or f/2 parabolic mirrors at a rate of one shot per 20 seconds. Plasma mirrors are optional in one beamline. The maximum intensity is of order 2 x 1021 Wcm-2. ​


Gemini Target Area 2

Gemini Target Area 2 (TA2) has access to a lower power beamline from the Gemini front end (0.5J, 35fs) at 1Hz which can be focussed to an intensity above 1019 Wcm-2. A second compressed beam is used as a pump for two independent probe beams generated in a hollow fibre pulse compressor and a tuneable optical parametric amplifier.​

Astra Target Area

Contact: Pattathil, Rajeev (STFC,RAL,CLF)