Reimbursement of expenses
05 Mar 2010







Please complete a claim fo​rm for your expenses. The User Office can provide guidance notes, as well as advice on eligibility and how to complete the form.​

Claims should be submitted weekly during the experimental run and within one week of its completion. The accompanying forms providing visit and meal details must be completed to enable claims to be processed quickly.

All expense claims must be submitted within 60 days of the expenditure being claimed for, as per the UKRI Travel Policy.  Payment of the claim may be delayed or declined should the forms be received after this time.

Please submit expense claim forms (as a Word doc) and copies of receipts to the CLF User Office:


If you have not received payment of a claim after three weeks please contact the User Office by email.

Meal Rates

When you register at the User Office, your site pass will be loaded with credit which can be used to pay for food and drink in the restaurant or coffee lounges.

Although users generally eat onsite, claims for evening meals / takeaways purchased locally will be reimbursed up to a value of £25.00. Alcoholic drinks cannot be included in the claims. 

If you need to work at weekends, claims for days worked may be submitted at the above rates. Please tell the User Office if you plan to work at the weekend, so that they can put enough credit on your site pass.

If it is impractical to travel home at weekends, users may stay, provided this is first agreed with the local facility contact. Although the accommodation will be paid for, users will be required to pay for their own meals.

Mileage Allowance

Mileage between the facility and your establishment can be reimbursed at a rate of 45p per mile. ​

Passenger allowance is 5p per mile per passenger

Please note that passenger names are required when claiming a passenger allowance.

Expenses outside the UK

For expenses incurred on an experiment at external facilities outs​ide of the UK, where support has been agreed by the CLF, please use the rates detailed in the guidelines below. Please note all flights should be booked via the CLF User Office.


Contact: CLF User Office