About the symposium
The symposium consists of lectures from world-leading scientists working in the area of correlative microscopy with light, electrons, and X-rays. The aim is to inform the community of the latest developments in correlative microscopy, and for the community to discuss and feed back its requirements for correlative microscopy development and provision in the UK.
About the workshop
The symposium will be followed by a 3 day workshop dedicated to demonstrations and practical training sessions in correlative microscopy techniques. Correlative microscopy workflows to be demonstrated include cryo-TEM, cryo-X-ray microscopy, cryo-fluorescence and super-resolution microscopy, and sample marking using multiphoton techniques. The final day of the workshop will be dedicated to data analysis techniques.
Registration is now open, however all of the places for the workshops are now taken. Space is limited and in the event of oversubscription delegates will be selected to ensure a good balance of research areas and institutions. A dinner will be held on site on the evening of Monday 6 March (fee applies).
Symposium only (£25) includes:
Lunch on Monday and Tuesday
Morning and afternoon refreshments
About the venue
The Harwell campus is the site of the UK's large scale science facilities. Located about 8 miles south of Oxford, it houses the Diamond Light Source synchrotron facility, the Central Laser Facility (CLF), and the ISIS pulsed neutron source. Imaging facilities available include the Electron Bio-Imaging Centre (eBIC) at Diamond Light Source, optical microscopy at the CLF's Octopus facility in the Research Complex at Harwell, and scanning and full-field X-ray microscopy beamlines at Diamond.
Click here for a map and some details about transport.
6th March 2017
| Arrival and registration
| |
| Welcoming remarks |
| |
11:15 | Invited talk | CLEM: 1+1=3 | Paul Verkade (Bristol University) |
11:45 | Keynote lecture | Light, electrons, ions: Correlative approaches to understanding life on the early Earth | Martin Saunders (University of Western Australia) |
12:45 | Lunch | | |
13:45 | Invited talk | Ultrastructural analysis of in vivo imaged synapses | Graham Knott (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne) |
| Invited talk | Corrrelative Tomography: Multiscale, Multifaceted and Time-lapse Imaging in 3D | Phillip Withers (Manchester University) |
14:45 | Invited talk | Correlative microscopy of oxide nanoparticles at biological barriers | Alex Porter (Imperial College London) |
15:15 | Invited talk | Super-resolution CLEM with optimal structural preservation | Rainer Kaufman (Oxford University) |
15:45 | Coffee break | | |
16:15 | Keynote lecture | An array tomographic approach to the study of axons and synapses in the brain | Kristina Micheva (Stanford University) |
17:15 | Invited talk | Correlative in-resin super-resolution and electron microscopy in culture cells and tissue | Errin Johnson (Oxford University) |
17:45 | Poster session | | |
19:15 | Dinner | | |
7th March 2017
| Keynote lecture
| Correlative microscopy for structural cell biology: Studying the architecture of cellular membranes
| Wanda Kukulski (Cambridge University) |
10:00 | Invited talk | Flexible multidimensional registration software for correlative microscopies with refined accuracy mapping: eC-CLEM easy Cell Correlative Light to Electron Microscopy | Perrine Paul-Gilloteaux (CNRS, Nantes)
10:30 | Coffee break | | |
11:00 | Invited talk | Multiscale correlative imaging using light, X-rays and electrons | Lucy Collinson (Crick Institute) |
11:30 | Invited talk | TBA | Michele Darrow (Diamond Light Source) |
12:00 | Invited talk | Visualizing HIV infection using automated cryoCLEM | Peijun Zhang (eBIC, Diamond Light Source) |
12:30 | Lunch | | |
13:30 | Keynote lecture | Exploring the potential of the FIB-SEM in CLEM. Automation and targeting | Anna Steyer (EMBL Heidelberg) |
14:30 | Discussion session | | |
15:30 | Coffee break and facility tours | | |
17:00 | Departure | For delegates attending symposium only | |
8th-10th March 2017
Practicals to demonstrate experimental aspects of correlative microscopy. Participants will be able to watch as samples are prepared and data are collected with their chosen technique. Depending on the demonstrations/experimental stream chosen there will be more or less chance of hands on practice. Workflows to be deminstrated are expected to include:
- Cryo-EM
- Super Resolution and cryo-fluorescence microscopy
- Cryo-X-ray microscopy
- Sample fiducial marking using multiphoton methods
- Correlative microscopy data analysis
Accommodation is available at a number of local hotels. Some are listed below. Availability of accommodation in the area is quite limited so early booking is strongly recommended. If you require any assistance with transport from your accommodation to the symposium/workshop venue, please contact the organisers.
Local Hotel or B&B Accommodation
Within 5 miles of Harwell Campus
Premier Inn Hotel Milton Interchange
Milton Hill House Hotel
Steventon House Hotel
Cherry Tree B&B, Steventon
The Kingswell Hotel, Harwell
Greensands B&B
Abingdon area (approx. 9 miles from Harwell Campus)
Oxford Abingdon Hotel
Premier Inn Hotel, Abingdon
Crown & Thistle Hotel, Abingdon
Kingfisher Barns B&B Abingdon
The Dog House, Frilford Heath
B&B Rafters, Marcham
Didcot (approx. 5 miles from Harwell Campus, within 2 miles of Didcot Parkway Station)
Penny's B&B, Didcot
The House on the Corner B&B, Didcot
Southern Wood B&B, Didcot
Newbury area (approx. 14 miles from Harwell Campus)
Donnington Valley Hotel Newbury
Hilton Hotel Newbury North
Elcot Mercure Hotel
For any enquiries please contact Heather Watts (01235 445001, heather.watts@stfc.ac.uk)
David Clarke (STFC Central Laser Facility, Research Complex at Harwell)
Lucy Collinson (Francis Crick Institute, London)
Elizabeth Duke (Diamond Light Source)
Marisa Martin-Fernandez (STFC Central Laser Facility, Research Complex at Harwell)
Paul Verkade (University of Bristol)