9-11 September 2024
St Hilda’s College, Oxford, UK
Registration is now open for the 2024 meeting for users of the CLF’s Lasers for Science (Octopus and ULTRA) and Artemis facilities.
The meeting will be held between the 9th and 11th September at St. Hilda’s College, Oxford, UK.
The meeting provides a unique overview of the multi-disciplinary science taking place in the CLF’s Artemis, ULTRA, and Octopus facilities. Scientific areas to be covered include chemistry, physics, biology, environmental science, materials, and engineering, with a focus on the interface between life and physical sciences. The meeting will also serve as a timely opportunity for the LSF and Artemis community to meet and learn about the overall science programme, discuss future requirements and new opportunities, and exchange views and ideas.
There will be a number of keynote lectures and presentations from delegates. All delegates are invited to submit titles for talks and/or posters. The User meeting seeks to provide a broad spread of presentations of the scientific programmes of the facilities and talks will be selected on this basis.
The meeting will start at lunchtime on the 9th and end early-afternoon on the 11th. Poster sessions and conference dinners will be held in the evenings.
Delegates are invited to register for the meeting online here.
The deadline for registration is the 2 August 2024. Registrations will NOT be accepted after this date.
Research Council representatives and Facility Access Panel members are also invited to attend the meeting.
Accommodation costs and travel for attending the meeting will be met by STFC. Depending on demand, it may be necessary to place restrictions on multiple delegates attending from the same research group. Spaces are limited so early registration is recommended.
Some funds have been set aside for a bursary to support childcare requirements of delegates attending the meeting.
We look forward to seeing you at the meeting.
Andy Ward (Head of LSF Division)
Emma Springate (Artemis Group Leader)
Marisa Martin-Fernandez (Octopus Group Leader)
Greg Greetham (ULTRA Group Leader)
This meeting in sponsored by Photonic Solutions and Light Conversion