Raman specifications & layout
- Spectral resolution 10 cm-1
with spectral filtering, R&D to get down to 5 cm-1.
- Kerr-gated Raman probe range 300 –
950 nm.
- Three interchangeable Si CCD
cameras optimised for UV, Visible and NIR.
- Time delay range mainly 0 – 4 ns.
- µs delay capability via bringing
the actinic pump from a different amplifier.
- Capability to expand the probe spot
at sample to reduce sample damage and maintain signal strength.
- Faster pump & probe wavelength
change thanks to automated EPICS-controlled beam delivery optics.
- Dedicated gas vent infrastructure
provided in the experimental area for users.
- R&D works towards Kerr-gated
Raman imaging will start once the Kerr-gated Raman spectroscopy end station
becomes operational.
femto-picosecond Laser Source
amplifier (CARBIDE, 80 W total at 40 kHz) provides pump for three OPAs and the
1030 nm beam.
- 1030 nm beam with tuneable pulse length (300 fs to 10 ps) to drive Kerr gate or SFG or 2D-IR-Raman.
- Ps OPA delivering tuneable beam from 320 nm to 2.5 µm with 20 cm-1 bandwidth, for Raman probe or 2D-IR-Raman.
- UV Raman capability driven by the 4th harmonic (257 nm) without Kerr gating.
- Fs OPA producing actinic pump for TR3, tuneable from 210 nm - NIR.
- Broad-band mid-IR OPA covering 2.5 µm – 15 µm for SFG and 2D-IR-Raman.
Variable repetition rate 1 – 40