HiLUX Artemis Laser
30 Oct 2024







XUV instrumenta​​​tion

  • New high average power Ytterbium-based 100 kHz laser system, providing 1.5 mJ , ​<50 fs pulses at 1 micron with high stability.
  • The 100 kHz OPCPA system, producing pulses at 1700 nm and 3000 nm, will be retained.
  • Tuneable pulses to cover the 235 nm – 10 micron spectral range.
  • Tuneable, isolated XUV pulses in the 20 eV to 100 eV range, with ~20 micron and ~100 micron spot-sizes.
  • Photo-emission spectroscopy, with tuneable pump and XUV probe. Upgraded UHV end-station with momentum microscope and hemispherical analyser for photo-emission on devices in operando and 10 micron-scale samples. 
  • Photo-electron spectroscopy on gas samples, with tuneable pump and XUV probe. New spectrometer and detector to enable both ion and electron detection, and covariance measurements.
  • X-ray transient absorption, with gas and liquid (thin) jet samples.
  • XUV ptychography, with element specific-imaging to 13 nm and higher rep-rate cameras.
  • Capabilities for studies of magnetic systems, including circularly polarised XUV and time-resolved MOKE.

HiLUX Artemis laser.png

Contact: Springate, Emma (STFC,RAL,CLF)