The centre for advanced laser technology and applications (CALTA) mission is to deliver societal, scientific and economic impact from developments in the Central Laser Facility (CLF). Principally through development of the CLF's DiPOLE laser architecture.
Established in 2011 CALTA has already completed a number of high profile national and international projects, worth around £20M, to supply technology to leading research institutes in the Germany and the Czech Republic.
The team of mainly scientists and engineers have successfully developed a world leading laser architecture known as
DiPOLE. DiPOLE is a new high energy, high repetition rate, high efficiency pulsed laser technology. This new architecture led to several contracts being won by CALTA including the construction of the first 100 J, 10 Hz laser system provided for HiLASE and a similar system to be constructed for the European XFEL by 2018. In addition to constructing complete laser systems the group have delivered parts of systems such as an amplifier
head to the ELI project. CALTA works with industrial partners to facilitate solutions to real-world problems by exploiting the CLF’s extensive technological capability developed by our experts over many years.