Medical inspections, accident and incident reporting
07 Oct 2021







​Pre-existing eye conditions

If you have any eye conditions, you must declare them in advance of your experiment. Eye conditions that could affect your work include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • A vision defect that cannot be corrected by the use of simple prescriptive lenses
  • A vision defect that prevents effective use of both eyes
  • Untreated glaucoma.

If you have medically impaired vision, it is likely that you will not be allowed to work with high risk laser systems.

Accident and incident response

If you suspect that you or another member of your team has sustained a laser injury of any kind, you must seek medical examination as soon as possible, and certainly within 24 hours. You must also notify CLF staff immediately.

Laser eye damage can include: pain or discomfort, blurring of vision, loss of ability to read small print, or any unusual appearance or sensation, such as persistent after-images.

In some cases, a protective measure in the laboratory fails, but does not actually lead to injury. In this case, even though no injury has occurred, terminate laser emission immediately and halt the experiment until a full assessment of the failure has been made and corrective action has been taken. Report any such incident to your link scientists.

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Contact: Clarke, Rob (STFC,RAL,CLF)