Hazardous substances
05 Oct 2021







Control of substances hazardous to health (COSHH), & biological safety​

If you need to use a hazardous substance, you must submit a COSHH or bioCOSHH form and get permission from beamline staff before bringing the substance onto site. Do this well in advance of your experiment, and note that certain COSHH hazards require a minimum of 30-days​' notice.

Special regulations apply to the handling of Beryllium (Be). If your experiment involves Be, discuss this with your link scientists as early as possible in the experimental planning process. Pre-authorisation is required.

Cryogenic liquids

Users may not handle or use cryogenic liquids unless they have received training, have been explicitly granted permission by the CLF, and are wearing PPE appropriate to the particular cryogen. If your experiment will require cryogenic liquids, discuss this in advance with your link scientists.

Dewars should be kept inside buildings if possible. This is important during cold, damp or wet weather conditions. The tops of dewars should be checked periodically to make sure that they are free from ice and that gas venting paths are free from obstruction.

PPE must be worn when transferring cryogenic liquids, in order to protect yourself from splashes and cold burns. The PPE and training in its use will be provided by CLF staff.

If you believe you have suffered a cold burn, you MUST seek medical attention IMMEDIATELY and report the incident. 

Hazardous and high-pressure gases

Hazardous or high pressure cylinders and gas lines may not be installed, tested or modified by anyone other than authorised CLF staff members.

It is forbidden to use any pressure-reducing valve that has not been specifically registered by the CLF, or to use a valve in a manner other than that for which it has been approved.​

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Contact: Clarke, Rob (STFC,RAL,CLF)