2015 Christmas Meeting of the High Power Laser Community
29 Jan 2016



The 2015 Christmas Meeting of the High Power Laser Community held at its new venue at the Amey Theatre of Abingdon School featured nearly 50 talks, and over 170 registered attendees



Group photo of attendees at the 2015 HPL Christmas meeting
(Credit: STFC )

The 2015 Christmas Meeting ofthe High Power Laser Community saw some radical change, namely its new venue atthe Amey Theatre of Abingdon School.This meant that all lunches and coffee breaks took place at AbingdonSchool as well as the talks in the Amey Theatre.The meeting took place from 14thto the 16th December (around the traditional time of themeeting).The meeting featured nearly 50talks, and over 170 registered attendees.

Audience at the 2015 HPL Christmas meeting, Abingdon School
(Credit: STFC )

An impressive set of tutorialtalks was given by Prof. Tony Arber (Hot Electrons in ICF), Dr. Brian Reville(Laboratory Astrophysics), and Dr. Andy Higginbotham (Shock CompressedCondensed Matter).The CLF is gratefulfor their contributions to the meeting.

Thevenue appears to have been popular with the attendees and the CLF is alreadylooking to arrange the 2016 meeting at Abingdon School as well.

Contact: Springate, Emma (STFC,RAL,CLF)